My secular news letter?


Oh my God! What a great video. I have been watching it for hours now. I wish I had a banana mustache and banana horns and banana hair and a banana beard and banana eyebrows and banana nose hairs and banana hair and, and, and, AAAARRRRGGGG BANANAS EVERYWHERE.

I feared that, everywhere? Every orfice?

C’mon, Dave. You have to figure a banana would likely be more comfortable than that industrial sized rolling pin he keeps up his a-… Uh, well, you know where.

Soothing banana cream… cool and smooth…

Help for the brain-dead???

Reminds me of the years I spent at Kyoto University in the Primate Research Institute. When I was a kid, and they implanted a cell phone in your head, they had to remove the brain and put it in a vat. Do you remember what cell phones were like back then???

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