Magical Thinking

So something like remote viewing, a subject I found fascinating for a while after watching some Mk-Ultra documentaries and research on psychedelics. Is it all just BS or is there something measurable and quantifiable there?

I’ve read articles on accuracy of remote viewing, but has there ever been physical scientific analysis of what is going on with the human brain at the time? Is this something like magical thinking, or is it all coincidence?

From Wiki …

Remote viewing experiments have historically been criticized for lack of proper controls and repeatability. There is no scientific evidence that remote viewing exists, and the topic of remote viewing is generally regarded as [pseudoscience.

The idea of remote viewing received renewed attention in the 1990s upon the declassification of documents related to the Stargate Project, a $20 million research program sponsored by the U.S. government that attempted to determine potential military applications of psychic phenomena. The program ran from 1975 to 1995, and ended after evaluators reached the conclusion that remote viewers consistently failed to produce any actionable intelligence information.


I would swear the same thing, accept with machinery I work on at my job. It’s a deafening cacophony of clanging and banging steel mixed over the rhythmic thumping of loose motors, chains, cams, and humming of high voltage transformers. Yet I some how intrinsically know when something isn’t right with a machine.

Sure most times it’s an odd noise, or the slightest wobble of a bolt. Maybe I’m not recognizing that I am picking these things up with my senses. There are times I can walk across the room and just stop at a machine on some weird hunch, and sure as shit there is an issue. Is it all psychosomatic?

Hell people swear machines know I’m coming, as soon as I show up, suddenly the issue is gone or won’t happen. I’m sure some of it is misdiagnosis by the operators or lack of awareness. Some times it seems they just vanish with my arrival, it’s very peculiar if nothing else.

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Yes, that’s exactly a lot of what I have read also. I just wondered if anyone actually studied the brain to see what parts are active and if it is a state similar to actions maybe like creativity.

We did not dodge natural selection. We are the result of natural selection. There is no escaping natural selection. Soon, we are to be the victims of natural selection and our own ignorance in believing we have somehow escaped (Foxes and Rabbits).

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Just like with my senses on the streets, you have developed similar senses within your field. If I were to walk into your work environment, all I would hear is a bunch of noise, and all I would see is a bunch of moving parts that meant nothing to me. To you, however, every subtle sound or movement of parts actually has meaning to you, whether or not you are consciously aware of it. Your brain, and senses contained therein, are simply conditioned to notice such things. Let’s take it to a neutral location…

Our homes. Each household has its own unique “pulse” and rhythm. Each and every sound, shadow, scent, and movement of air within sends a signal to us. Even the placement of certain items in the home have meaning. In your own home, those signals mean something specific to you. You come home, enter the front door, and almost instantly your brain tells you if everything is normal or not. If I were to visit your home, though, all those sounds and movements and scents would be nothing more than neaningless “static” to me. See what I mean? Nothing “magical” or “mystical” about any of it.

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I third it :wave:

In finance, I’d take info…BUT the “gut” feelings were my guide. I chalked it up to subconscious assessments (stuff you don’t consciously pick up on).


I think I told this story before. I was moving towards 5th street in LA. I lived in one of the High Rises there. I was walking my girlfriend to work. (Yes, White, I admit it, there have been other women in my life. That’s how I learned to give such great massages.)

Anyway, 5th is the slum area and near the court building. My GF was a court reporter. In front of me, 20 yards, was a shit kicking, wide buckled, boot wearing, slumped over in his own world and probably stinking of beer and Jack, unkempt gentleman. Up the street from him, another 40 yards was a raggedy, jacket swinging, curse word flinging, heroine and Ripple induced staggering, cigarette begging African American Gentleman in need of some head and shoulders and the name of a good barber.

So I tugged on my GF’s arm and said, “Let’s cross here.” We were mid block and she gave me a weird look, but I said, “Trust me.” There was not yet much traffic so we crossed. By the time we got to the other side of the street, the shit kicking, wide buckled, boot wearing, slumped over in his own world and probably stinking of beer and Jack, unkempt gentleman had met up with the raggedy, jacket swinging, curse word flinging, heroine and Ripple induced staggering, cigarette begging African American Gentleman, and they were now twisting and turning as they embraced one another in screams of murderous intent. The last I saw of them they were locked arm and arm tripping over a curb and falling head long into a bus stop overhang.

‘How’d you know that was going to happen?’ asked the girlfriend. ‘Just a hunch mam. Just a hunch.’

I also have a knack for reading a room. I think I got that from all the public speaking I have done. I think it also helps being an extreme introvert. Introverts just see the world differently.

How many of you fit the bill for introversion: I have a hunch that a lot of people on the site are actually introverts. NOT TIN but a lot of people.

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Yes, sorry that is what I meant to say.

Sheeeeee-iiiiiitt… The hell you say… Look up “Introvert” in the dictionary and you are likely to see a pic of me beside it. Oddly enough, though, I have no problem speaking to a large group of people or teaching a class. Even kinda enjoy it sometimes, depending on the subject matter. Otherwise, I’m all fine and hunky-dorey keeping to myself at a crowded event or party. Go figure.

That’s because we are alone on the stage. We have prepared well and know the material. It’s just us. I bartended for 25 years. I am very comfortable behind the bar. Singing, dancing, putting on a show. Take me out to the bar and I tend to be quite different, low key, mild mannered. I don’t actually go to bars unless there is a dart game or something else of interest to do besides drink. I’m not a drinker at all. After White has her second beer, I start looking at her funny. ‘How many of those do you plan on drinking tonight? Am I going to have to pour you into the car to get you home?’ LOL


Is that what that look is???

Alcohol - the social lubricant… makes women loose and men brave.


We humans are just one step in the evolution of our species. Our one dominant feature that “sets us apart” is our brains, our intelligence. That is the metric humans use. Not the fastest, not the biggest or strongest, not what can stay submerged the longest.

Who knows, maybe the conversations blue whales have is that because they are the biggest, that they are the top of the pyramid.


You ever been with a drunk woman? I’m sorry but I just don’t get the attraction. I do recall once or possibly twice in my youth.

True Story Time:
A friend of mine set me up with a Korean school teacher. We met at a local pub for lunch and drinks. When she started on her third class of wine, I scratched her off my list for possible second dates. (Yep, Just like that.) Three glasses of wine in a fucking hour? You got a problem and I am not dealing with it. I think she had 2 more and then hopped in her car because she was okay to drive by the end of our meeting. (I shudder thinking of it as a date.) While I had her number, I never called. About two weeks later the same friend asked me if I had contacted her. I told him, ‘No, she’s an alcoholic. I don’t want anything to do with anyone who can down 5 drinks over lunch and then hop in a car and drive away.’

Now, what’s really funny is that I may very. On,’ as the night progresses. (I am not drinking.) I learned this behavior by watching my alcoholic counterparts from behind the safety of the bar during my bartending years.) I actually know how to be the life of the party. I can be the social butterfly, bouncing about, complementing people, engaging in small talk, and honestly (not manipulatively) enjoying myself and others. It comes from knowing, ‘How to listen to people.’ And I find them fascinating. “Hint: We don’t listen with our ears.” When I listen with my ears, people are boring and really stupid. I have no patience with them. So, the bottom line is you can dress me up and take me out. I can match my behavior to the social occasion. But my value system is pretty much set in stone.

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My childhood rearing by an alcoholic made me sensitive to alcohol. I enjoy a beer in the afternoon. Something I noticed with my Crohns before there was an effective treatment was it relaxes my abdomen and I could eat (somewhat).

I tease with the alcohol… but I’m usually the designated in the group. When I first divorced, in my early thirties, I had a few drunk nights. Didn’t stick. I wasn’t one who “got the attraction”.

And drunk men don’t get “brave” - lol :joy:

I also didn’t do drugs. When I turned 40 I tried pot. Blah :confused: wasn’t my “cup of tea”. I just am a sober person :grimacing: - how the fuck do I cope???

Gotta go outside, have a smoke :smoking: and think about it :thinking:

Well that’s it mate. I won’t be dating you. Or even sharing a bathroom again.

3 glasses of wine at lunch does not an alcoholic make. That is a very harsh judgement and says more about your fears than the young woman’s imbibing.

Oh yes, I was the victim of an alcoholic for 9 long years, 9 harrowing years of lies, theft, infidelity and abuse and neglect of children culminating in my being accused of peadophilia…oh yes, great times. After all the dust settled and all was clear she stalked me for another 10 years until she finally died in a halfway house, drunk and toothless.

Like you, I am now very aware of over indulgence in others and tend to run away screaming when my antennae start twitching. But I need a bit more than the actions you described to shut someone down there and then.
I have been known to have half a bottle of wine 3 glasses) at lunch on a regular basis. No I do not drive afterwards…but then I can do without wine or beer for long periods without stress. Would you walk out on me?

Hate to say it - if it was me and you @Old_man_shouts_at_cl you could enjoy your wine and I wouldn’t judge.

BUT if I was on a first date with a guy and he downed 3 drinks in an hour AND then drove - nah - I wouldn’t bother with him either.

That first date is usually “best behaviour”…

Um, knowing you already, I uh :neutral_face: would have two beers that afternoon with you.

I am with you 100%…that is abig no and I would have called the cops because that is an over the limit driver without doubt.

Would I label them an alcoholic on that 1st meeting…probably no…definitely no. A selfish idiot with a soon to be announced DUI? Yes, a 100 times yes. Driving while drugged is NOT “personal liberty” it is putting bystanders and others going about their business at risk.

And yes I would love to have a couple of decent craft beers with you anytime providing Cog is locked up in your bondage room.

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I never planned it, but at the age of 16 when I was sent to Halifax as a member of the Naval Reserve, I was dragged down to the Fleet Club. Because it was on a military base and anyone with a military ID could drink there, I was initiated into the land of beer. I was never hooked, because I could easily go without for any period of time I desired. But saying that, I learned to party hearty.

You ever see those crazy night parties with a huge bonfire and some crazy dancing around? That was me.

I did a lot of bad shit, but I consider myself lucky and fortunate I never had an accident or hit anyone while driving under the influence. And being a bit wiser, I will never get behind the wheel unless I am 100% clean and sober.

About 20 years ago while practicing for a sim race, I had one beer. On rechecking my lap times, I noticed that for the first hour my lap times were very consistent. But after that my lap times varied, I had two or three very consistent laps, then one that was just a wee bit off. Yes, it was just one beer, and I was very sober in the eyes of the law. But that one beer told me that my focus and concentration was no longer reliable and consistent.


Slut! The second date is off! You’re going to have to settle for a quasi-friendly relationship or nothing at all. (Mind you, I have always worked in a profession where a beer at lunch could get you fired.) Can you even imagine a teacher keeping a job after showing up to work stinking like beer or wine? In my years of teaching, I have never seen it happen. (Not that it doesn’t, for I am sure it does. I have never seen it.) I did have a schizophrenic teacher once who lost it during a class. The guy came unglued began crying, and before that was dancing weirdly and climbing a pole. The staff told us that he had a breakdown. NO SHIT!

Hey! I did walk in on my coach once while he was getting toasty. I worked in a pizza restaurant and via the back door, it was attached to a bar. We catered to the patrons in the bar. Someone had ordered a pizza and when I walked it into the bar, there was Mr, Fox, lit up like a Christmas tree. "Hey! What are you doing in here, he says. You shouldn’t be in here.’ A few words were exchanged and I went back to work, he went on with his evening. I never thought to mention it again. Balboa, Ca. was a small town.

Oh! (Korea is the exception.) Teachers used to drink at lunch in Korea. My Vice Principal at one school kept soju in the school refrigerator. Different cultures, different educational experiences.

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