Jesus is not God

They’ll have absconded back to the board to give a progress report and solicit advice about a counterattack.

We may or may not experience this within 3-7 days, though the same artillery will be waiting.

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HalleluYah (Praise Yahweh-God); Hallelujah (Praise God-Jehovah/English or Yahweh/Hebrew). I am not a Jehovah Witnesses, a Christian or an Atheist. I am a saved, born-again Theist who believes in ONE God (Yahweh; Jehovah). And, I am a disciple of Christ Jesus who follows the biblical Gospel of truth and examples of God’s children, servants, prophets and people as stated, instructed and commanded of me in the Holy Bible (to the best of my ability with God’s help and blessings). I am non-denomination, I am not a member of any man’s church. I am member of the spiritual church and family of God my Heavenly Father and of His son Chsirt Jesus my Lord and Savior (who God saved me through via the Gospel of truth and his Calvary sacrifice on my (repented sinners) behalf).

That must have been terribly stressful on your mother.


So, basically, you are all fucked up?

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Howdy, Halleluyah. A little late to the party here. My apologies. Been busy the last few days. A quick question regarding your above statement, if I may… (clearing throat)… Ahem… Uh, WHY?

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@HalleluYah, that seems an awful lot like preaching. Now once again:

  1. What objective evidence can you demonstrate that any deity is real, or even possible?
  2. Why have you not addressed your previous uses of logical fallacies, like your argumentum ad ignorantiam fallacy, where you asserted not have another claim for how everything exists as evidence a deity did it all?

You ignored this, why is that I wonder?

You also failed to respond at all to this fact, do you know that the gospels were anonymous, and the names Matthew Mark Luke and John are fictional, and were assigned arbitrarily three and a half centuries later at the First Council of Nicaea, by early church leaders looking to lend those narratives some gravitas.


The Bible is a claim, not the evidence.

Again, the Bible, like every holy book, was written by men and was edited thousands of times even by other denominations. Christians in those past times never proved the existence of the Gospel Jesus or their god.

That’s a dishonest answer. Your “truth” is part of your indoctrination from an ongoing religious movement that never proved the existence of it’s deity. Even the Taliban claim that Islam is “truth”. It doesn’t matter what we tell you, you still “choose” to believe in those stories because of the person that brain washed or indoctrinated you into it.

I would remind you that preaching is not debating. We are not Christians. You will have to change your tactics.

Said every religion ever. Even the Muslims and Hindu’s make that claim about their gods. You Christians used to be Pagans such as the Canaanite religion.

Instructed? lmao that’s a good one. You’re bullshitting through your teeth. I’m pretty sure you were “instructed” by no one.

What objective evidence can you demonstrate for the existence of any deity?

Bullshit. Christianity is not a united religion. There are over 45,000 xtian denominations word wide.

That doesn’t mean anything.

I don’t want to hear preaching. I want you to meet your Burden of Proof for claiming that your god exists.


HalleluYah has left the building.

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As Truman would say:

I guess I owe you three bananas @Cognostic

Yet I know not how to deliver them to you, maybe we could both feel the exchange in our hearts?

Don’t you dare give them to @Cognostic - they’re mine.


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Is this going to qualify as a ‘cat fight?’

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Hey, you said those sexpics were private! Damn! Now I am going to have to change my phone number again!


There is no hiding from the truth…k

Edit monkey see, monkey will do


Honestly, who cares?

UK Atheist


I love everything about this movie, especially this scene. “Are there any women here?”

There’s always going to be some generational conflict.

“Now there’s a way, and I know that I have to go away”

Yusuf / Cat Stevens - Father & Son

“I hope I die before I get old”

“I’m not trying to cause a big sensation”

The Who - My Generation

In the Gospel of John, Jesus makes several statements that are interpreted by many as claims to deity, such as “I and the Father are one” (John 10:30) and “before Abraham was, I am” (John 8:58), echoing the divine name given to Moses in Exodus 3:14. Additionally, the Gospel of John begins with “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God” (John 1:1), which is interpreted as speaking of Jesus’ divine nature.

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