Is there finally an argument for the existence of God?

To be honest, I am more perplexed by my list. I wonder if the number of Nobel winners who believe in a deity is decreasing overtime? I’m going to try and gather some info on this.


YOUR QUOTE RELATIVE TO “QUIM” IN BEING TOO EMBARRASSED TO TELL US WHICH GOD THEY SUPPLICATE TO: "No poster is obliged to answer all questions posed to them.

Cool! Then the hell with serious debates here at Atheist Republic! lol. So, if Quim doesn’t answer direct posts to him that are relative to HIS TOPIC AT HAND, then can I call him a “Runaway from direct topic posts of his own thread?”


Well, IN MY OPINION as well, and as you remember, we asked this pseudo-theist in which god they had in being a THEIST to begin with, remember? Therefore, if Quim is to SCARED as a THEIST, that has to believe in a god to begin with, doesn’t tell us which one he supplicates too, is in fact, Quin RUNNING AWAY from the foundation of his/her THEIST beliefs, period!


You sure yell a lot.


Uh, it’s not “yelling,” but my preference for my “headings” are to be all caps, as in a legal tradition, because it draws attention with my personal statement to a members quote, even though they don’t have to address it. :slight_smile:

I’ll refrain from words in all caps in sentences elsewhere in my posts, as in making a hard statement to said member, and just fully capitalize my headings.

Any response to my said post shown above?

Oh, where in the hell are the rules and regulations for this forum? Thanks …….


Q1. Are you finished editing it yet?
Q2. Check in the Announcements section.


Yeah, I “think” I am finished editing said posts. :slight_smile:

I checked out the “Announcements” section, but could not find specific rules to follow. If there is an actual list, can you save me from further embarrassment and give me the actual link? Thanks again …


In order to answer the question in your post, you’ll have to define what a serious debate means to you.

Loosen up those panties son. You are not going to change the world one post at a time, and obviously you are taking the subject way more seriously than ‘QUIM’ who appears to be an obvious troll.

Your responses are not for QUIM but for the readers, so relax. Whether you convert QUIM or not is completely irrelivant. Exposing him is enough.

Or he just does not want to talk to you. LOL

Hey Quim? What is the reason you will not share specifics about your God belief? Can you share that much?

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Do I have to repeat myself once again? I believe everything is connected to consciousness, and I assume that sentience exists beyond biological entities. Discussing a specific deity is currently meaningless to me because selecting a particular mythological framework is unrelated to the idea I have presented here.

As I have already mentioned, my beliefs are founded on the impact that things have on me. And that’s all I have to say.

I am quite convinced that you have no understanding of what you are saying. Perhaps there is much more about reality that you are unaware of than what you actually know… and I am referring to the reality right in front of you, not distant galaxies.

However, what I have encountered here is simply a group of individuals employing various dialectical strategies not to seek the truth, but to engage in absurd debates that I am not particularly interested in. Do not expect any further responses from me.Do I have to repeat myself once again? I believe everything is connected to consciousness, and I assume that sentience exists beyond biological entities. Discussing a specific deity is currently meaningless to me because selecting a particular mythological framework is unrelated to the idea I have presented here.

As I have already mentioned, my beliefs are founded on the impact that things have on me. And that’s all I have to say.

I am quite convinced that you have no understanding of what you are saying. Perhaps there is much more about reality that you are unaware of than what you actually know… and I am referring to the reality right in front of you, not distant galaxies.

There are numerous quantum phenomena that cannot be predicted. Anyway…


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As is any objective evidence or rational argument.

So subjective bias then, quelle surprise.

I don’t think reality means what you think it does, and the claim anyone here has asserted, believes, or even implied that there might be more about reality than we are aware of, is simply a duplicitous straw man you’re peddling to pretend we are being biased, by not accepting your biased unevidenced subjective and irrational beliefs.

Yeah, I don’t think truth means what you think it does either. NB You are the one making unevidenced and superstitious assumptions, and you are the one making demonstrably irrational arguments. You have no objective evidence whatsoever for any deity, so claiming it exists is a pretty obvious contradiction, whether you see it or not.

Well you’re being relentlessly mendacious now, so who can say, but posting here is not mandatory of course, and your memory seems as poor as your reasoning here, since you sought us out to share your unevidenced superstition, and are now telling us you don’t want to respond to our comments. So I think what you’re looking for in that case is a personal blog, or a pulpit. Not a debate forum, but do let us know how sulking when your arguments are challenged works out for you.

Bye, again…

As I posted some time ago, @quim, ( that choice of monicker still makes me giggle) believes or is convinced of that tired old mid twentieth century fashion of “Universal Consciousness”.
This new age nonsense gave rise to several farcical and some very convincing long cons like “The Secret”, the “Secret Book From Alva” and assorted nonsense cults.

Of course Cog, all you and Tin, Skriten, Blue, and everyone else has to do is “ask the universe” and your wish(es) will be granted.
Why you do not see that Cog, especially under the influence of your rolling pin anal pressure, and Tin’s eggnog baffles me.

I ask the universe every day why I do not answer the kind of bullshit excreted by “universal Consciousness” proponents, and, well, I am answered, it’s because I am too involved with the “Universal Bowel Movement” to bother.


noun: flounce; plural noun: flounces

  1. an exaggerated action, typically intended to express one’s annoyance or impatience.

“she left the room with a flounce”

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Apparently you felt the need to do so as you wrote the same things twice in what was your “don’t expect me to respond again” post that you followed with another post.

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So… The universe is conscious? You’re claiming to be a panpsychist?
Your rational is 'Personal Experience."
You do not see a connection between the reality in front of me and that of distant galexies.? Really?
Do you think there is a good argument for panpsychism? Why not use that instead of personal experience?

Yes, that is what panpsychists do. Without justification. Like you said… You assume. Why live life based on an assumption? Your assumption is just as valid as any other mythological assumption.

No. It’s not. The universe is conscious. It is the deity. It is a very simplistic concept. Consciousness is in all things and holds all things together. There is just no reason for such an assumeption.

Frankly, I am sure there is. Can you demonstrate any of your claims? All you have done is make inane assertions.

Why would you assume the reality in front of me is different or distinguishable from that in distant galaxies? Do you have any evidence for that claim and please share how you think they are different?

The brain organizes itself in such a way that consciousness is an emergent property. Why should something similar happen with subatomic particles? What evidence do we have for the formation of consciousness in inorganic mamaterial, a rock?

A related problem concerns conscious subjects. Does consciousness occur without a subject who has the experience of consciousness? We recognize consciousness in ourselves and in others, including animals, with the ability to demonstrate self-awareness. Since consciousness is the putative cause of these reports, it presumably has to be the sort of “thing” that can bring about changes in the physical world. Can a rock bring about changes in the physical world? Why Panpsychism Is Probably Wrong - The Atlantic

Before you can be taken seriously you must demonstrate the rock I am holding in my hand possesses consciousness.


I followed this rabbit hole :hole: about 20 years ago. Quantum mechanics sure opened up a minefield- no wonder poor Einstein basically said “fuck it”!!!

I don’t think there isn’t an older member/poster here not familiar with the “new” info that we’re too close-minded to believe is true 🤦🏼


It reminds me so much of college days, sitting around smoking the terrible pot we had then and saying, “Wow! That table is round!” like it was a profound discovery.


Read my post above first :arrow_up:

OK :+1: … going back in time, the first question I explored was “Can God create a rock so heavy he cannot lift it?”

I figured, if “god” wasn’t an entity, and was “the universe” (making up all us bits and pieces - btw it was goddamn it, I can’t think of the book title that introduced me to this idea)

A) I could lift the rock 🪨 (a bit of god :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:)
B) The rock couldn’t lift itself (a bit of god :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:)

Damn, the book I read was popular and I lent it to my hairdresser and she never returned it.

C) The god is all things. He is the rock that can’t be lifted and the universe lifting the rock at the same time. It’s all perspective. He is the space outside the universe holding the universe. God is in all things and holds all things together. The question becomes nonsensical as ‘can you lift or not lift your own arm.’

But then… I am too closed-minded to think of such garbage… LOL

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