Is the New Testament made up?

I’ve said several times that the presence of the universe is evidence for god, the presence of “self” our own “consciousness” is evidence for god; I mean by that - evidence for a non-natural agency of some form.

Expressed in the language, culture and technical knowledge of nomadic people four or five thousand years ago, the expression “He hangs the earth on nothing” is quite a profound way to describe reality.

Note what it does not say, it does not say “He holds the earth in his hand” or “and the earth that sits on the back of the giant turtle” and so on. The statement “He hangs the earth on nothing” isn’t what I’d expect from primitive people devoted to some imaginary god.

It attributes the earth’s situation to god, it expresses the fact that the earth is in space orbiting the sun, in no need of explicit suspension or support, there’s a lot in that description.

You tell me how you’d express this, go on and I publicly guarantee you I will show an error in what you write - go ahead, lets see what you got.

Indeed you have, but argumentum ad ignorantiam fallacies are not very compelling, and you have offered nothing else in support of your bare unevidenced assertion. Even were this not a weak and poorly reasoned assertion, it gets you no closer to Jesus than it does Zeus or Apollo.

You’re still holding the same empty bag you arrived with, and pretending it has magic beans inside.

Yes your penchant for reeling off unevidenced mantras is duly noted. Except we don’t need to violate Occam’s razor here, as all the evidence so far suggests that our consciousness is an emergent property of our evolved brain.

And where did this deity come from, it can’t always have been there or any attempt to explain it is worthless, according to you?

Except you already said you don’t know where it came from, or how it is possible, and around and around your merry go around of claims goes…

And yet it is completely false…

Still you have to demonstrate that a god, any god actually influenced scripture, otherwise all you have is a book with some sections that some may find credible due to it aligning with their own personal bias.

Go ahead, lets see what you got!


So even you can’t describe the earth’s situation any better than the people you ridicule, if you had any testicular rectitude you’d step up and give us the “correct” description of the earth’s situation, you’d be eager to demonstrate your keen grasp of this whole subject.

You’re basically too scared, I told you I’d show an error in whatever description you choose and you know I can do that.

Didnt ridicule them, said the claim saying this was the word of god is unproven, bollocks and incorrect to reality.

Why would a supreme being say something that in the future would make anyone with an once of scientific knowledge laugh at how incredibly incorrect it is?

Oh yes, of course im petrified hahahaha yes, absolutely scared to death!

No Sherlock, the point remains that you said scripture and and science arent at odds, i proved you wrong.
You can try and reinterpret scripture however you want, but its scientifically incorrect.

Try again.

Are you going to actually address what he said now, or is this baiting and yet another argumentum ad ignorantiam fallacy to be it yet again?

Atheism doesn’t need to explain anything, anymore than not believing in mermaids does, you seem unable to grasp and so avoid repeating this simple error in logic over and over and over again? Why is that?


That’s right, I understand the atheist strategy when asked a question about science by someone far better schooled than they:


You literally said the universe begun with the big bang. Go back to school princess.

That’s been the prevailing view for decades, are there other theoretical possibilities, sure there are, but that doesn’t mean I’m a fool for accepting the generally held and generally taught view.

This is straight from

That doesn’t support your view, the general held view is the big bang was an event in which the universe expanded from a hot dense state.

Science is still trying to unravel the various other questions, i.e. what occured the big bang, is the universe eternal, questions regarding the arrow of time etc…

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Do you believe the earth existed with vegetation on it before the sun, as the creation myth in the bible asserts? Do you believe there was global flood as the bible claims, and the geological record demonstrates never happened? Do you believe a deity created humans in their current form, or that we evolved slowly over time as have all living things?

So what exactly do you think my view is?

And I have said several times that your posts are full of excreted remains of fecal material and that you have no evidence for such inane assertions. You profess to know things you can not possibly know. You have nothing but superfluous hyperbolic bovine excrement behind any of your assertions. Your obfuscations and fallacious equivocations are so blatantly obvious as to be callowly-naive, and exactly what we expect from the irrational adherent of a faith-based conviction being touted as knowledge.

By ‘your view’ I mean the one you mistakenly accept as the ‘prevailing view’.

The prevailing view in science is as I described, the big bang is an event in which the universe expanded from a hot, dense state.

Can you at least quote me? what is this “view” you are referring to?

Yes, did I say something different? I might have and I’m happy to review it and either admit error or defend what I said. This is from NASA:


Now, contrast that with what you said to me a few minutes ago:

Already have before, and above you admitted as such.

Go and find a scientist that backs your claim and not a snippet that is explaining in lay terms for those not understanding.

Do you want a childs guide to the universe next to cherry pick another quote.

Anyone with any scientific knowledge knows you cannot say or prove the universe begun at the big bang, unless you have a nobel prize we dont know of.

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That a deity created the universe, I asked you a few questions as that claim is so facile it actually explains nothing. Here are the questions and your asnwers:

Impressive stuff…


I’m with NASA on this, I rest my case.

I love the “outside of the universe” horse shit, as if the universe is compfotably placed within a tupaware box.