Is the New Testament made up?

Indeed you have, but argumentum ad ignorantiam fallacies are not very compelling, and you have offered nothing else in support of your bare unevidenced assertion. Even were this not a weak and poorly reasoned assertion, it gets you no closer to Jesus than it does Zeus or Apollo.

You’re still holding the same empty bag you arrived with, and pretending it has magic beans inside.

Yes your penchant for reeling off unevidenced mantras is duly noted. Except we don’t need to violate Occam’s razor here, as all the evidence so far suggests that our consciousness is an emergent property of our evolved brain.

And where did this deity come from, it can’t always have been there or any attempt to explain it is worthless, according to you?

Except you already said you don’t know where it came from, or how it is possible, and around and around your merry go around of claims goes…