To be fair, a) I was very specific about which ideas I was labelling idiotic, and b) they demonstrably were idiotic, and c) I took the time to honestly address them and explain why. of course you’re not blameless here, by being so dishonest in evading responses, clipping quotes to misrepresent them, endless straw men, and you were strident and condescending from the very first. You posited your thread title as a question, but nothing you posted suggested you were interested in objectively assessing the answers you recieved.
If I can be bothered I might dig out some quotes to support these facts.
Here a perfect example of your dishonesty:
I asked that in the the 3rd post in this thread, 61 posts and several requests later, and you have not even pretended to answer honestly, by either retracting the claim or offering a credible scientific source. You even misrepresented what I’d said more than once with straw men.