Is nothing sacred anymore?

What’s the world coming to? Just when you thought it was safe to bathe yourself in aromatic oils, Satan just had to butt in and condemn everybody to hell for trying to maintain healthy skin care. The NERVE of that bastard! One would think he would be satisfied in having the “evil monopoly” on alcohol, marijuana, tattoos, gambling, and masturbation, but nooooooo. :roll_eyes: Now that selfish asshole has to step in and demonize skin care products. Wonder how long before Lucifer decides to take over the music industry?.. :flushed: Oh, wait… :flushed:

Or Logos (corporate) not Logos (the Word as in Jesus) …

I mean it’s not like Christians have picked through every bit of Disney film or advertising or wait logos looking for the Satan in it.

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@Tin-Man It’s supposed to bring the SHE- DEVIL out in the bedroom. They’re trying to help men get laid LMAO.

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Remember, boys/men: After peeing, shaking it once is okay, but shaking it twice is masturbation. God counts every shake.

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All MLMs are run by satan :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:. Seriously though those “christian” woman should be ashamed of themselves. It’s hard to believe that anyone involved for any length of time hasn’t figured out only those toward the top of a pyramid scheme (i.e. MLM) make any money. They’re no different than prosperity preachers using themselves as examples of how well the prosperity gospel works.

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I’ve been doing it wrong then…and too often.

Well, hell. If that’s the case, I masturbate every single time I take a piss. I’m a very thorough shaker. I can’t afford to get rusty down there.

No, no. You must be thinking about the flavored edible oils sold at Spencers and other adult “novelty” stores. Unless somebody has heard otherwise, I believe Satan is okay with those. (Pretty sure the perv likes to watch.) Anyway, the aromatic oils these ladies say are of Satan are used primarily for skin conditioning, headache/pain relief, and sinus congestion. My wife actually makes such oils and balms, so I’m quite confident Satan has nothing to d-… :flushed::flushed::flushed:… Oh… Damn… Uh, hold on a sec. Hmmmm… :thinking:… Uh, ya know what, on second thought, those ladies might actually have a point there.

Aw, c’mon now, White. Why would anybody have to pick through Disney material to find Satanic stuff? That’s just silly. Hell, Disney doesn’t even TRY to hide it anymore. They’re just out in the open with it now. Satan totally controls Disney. Duh. As for other logos, though, some of those guys can be really sneaky and crafty. Only a highly trained “Satan eye” can detect some of the better ones. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::smiling_imp:

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Oh my goodness. SOMEbody is being awfully judgemental. Obviously you do not see the wonderful service and blessings these ladies are providing to their Christian Brothers and Sisters. After having clawed their way to the top of that aromatic stairway to riches, those women are in THE position to know just exactly how cursed and demonic those Satanic skin care products are. Therefore, it is their Christian DUTY to alert others to its sinful hazards before they lose their souls on that slippery slope of oily therapeutics.

In that case, no wonder you’re an atheist. God has given up on you already.

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Wait… THAT is the reason he gave up on me? Seriously? You mean THAT is all I had to do to get him to finally leave me alone?.. Well, shit. And to think I spent all those years imagining Aunt Bea and Opie in various BDSM scenarios. I figured if god could read all my thoughts, then maybe that would keep him out of my head and eventually keep him away for good. But now I’m finding out all I had to do was just shake it a couple of extra times whenever I went to piss? I could have spared myself all that mental trauma?..:anguished: DAMMIT! :confounded:

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Interesting hypothesis. Maybe that is why religion started to lose its grip on me when puberty started …

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Essential oils are Satanic? Weren’t there several Biblical passages about heads and feet “being annointed with oil” and–at least one passage–“fragrant oils”?


“Essential” oils and “aromatic” oils are ABSOLUTELY Satanic, because “essential” sounds too needy, and “aromatic” is too easily associated with sex. Whereas “annointing” oils and “fragrant” oils are perfectly holy and blessed, because those oils are used to do the Lord’s work. Therefore, whenever you go to purchase oils, it is essential that you buy only annointing oils. Also, don’t be fooled by the aromatic oils that are labeled as “fragrant”. It’s a Satanic trap.

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For Tin-men, there is another type of oil that is essential, and I wouldn’t be surprised if it is also associated with tin sex:


Well… Not ALWAYS for sex. But it IS sacred.


Watch out for the @Tin-Man.


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He really hates it when I tell people this, but that’s actually a cousin of mine. (You can see the family resemblance in the ruggedly handsome facial structure.) Yeah, he enjoyed a brief period of fame in the movies a few years back. Nowadays, though, he works mostly in automotive shops as a car lift, with the occasional security job on the side.

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