Im curious about Atheist's opinions on some new ideas in science

There have been some really crazy, interesting and extremely important hypothesis, experiments and developments on consciousness. I’ll list three and no this is not a trap or try and gate crash or whatever. Genuinely interested in your opinions and takes on these things in regards to a couple questions I’ll ask at the end.

  1. Scientific experiments and hypothesis that consciousness is likely housed or having a lot to do with with the location of microtubenals because of their quantum enabling properties. And because of all that there seems to be a possibility that consciousness may be quantum related. Penrose thinks it may be seriously tied up with the waveform collapse. He and others believe that Quantum Physics and properties is key and so any computer AI based in regular computing wouldn’t be able to cross that barrier.
  2. There are stunning developments involving the intelligence of cells. They have independent intelligence as well as the ability to use collective intelligence for some purposes. But their level of intelligence is way beyond what I think anyone thought. Way beyond what I thought. One scientist even posits that at least some cells don’t even communicate to the brain or know it exists. Also there may be a possibility that non physical signals may be able to be received or understood. So basically some frequencies but that one needs a lot more work.
  3. There have been experiments and some serious people believe that the cells can decide to have portions of the DNA deliberately error prone. The theory is that in times of serious crisis the cell can decide to have a portion of the DNA filled with some random code. Then it can try and see if it can get what it needs desperately at the time from that random code.

What in general do you think about these ideas and/or developments. As atheists what do you think they have any bearing and finally:

Do you think that any of these makes the case for unguided processes for explanation of life, complex life and consciousness harder or easier?

Sigh….atheism has nothing to do with science.

Allow me to reword your question… “What do you, as an individual, think about X?”


Please cite papers in the peer-reviewed scientific literature that cover these “developments”.


Being an Atheist does not make someone a scientist. I’ll repeat what I said from another thread: If your question cannot be answered with “Atheists do not believe in any gods,” then it is not actually about atheists or atheism.

I think you have offered not one citation, do you imagine you can invoke science in this way, and bluff strangers on the internet? Is this really how you believe scientific methodology rigorously examines ideas and claims? Bless…

Atheism is far higher among scientists, and is vastly higher among elite scientists, can I suggest you email the National Academy of Sciences, and let us know how your unevidenced superstitious claims are received?

What objective evidence can you demonstrate these processes are “guided” in any way? What relevance does complexity have to your claim everything is designed? If it’s all designed then complexity is irrelevant, surely?

Serious question, do you know what an argumentum ad ignorantiam fallacy is, and what using such a fallacy in informal logic means?

Oddly though atheism is higher among biologists than any other field of scientific endeavour? have you shared your unevidenced superstitious claims with any elite biologists? Please do let us know how they are received.

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I didn’t understand the first point because I don’t know what microtubenals means. I gotta say though cells don’t posses intelligence, and if a cell makes an error in replicating DNA that’s called cancer. Consciousness is the faculty which perceives existence. I just googled microtubenals. I don’t believe any of this research is actually adequate to explain consciousness. I believe also that quantum physics is theoritical meaning it has not been proven. Have a good one.

Not necessarily. And in the grand scheme of things, I’d venture it’s rarely cancer. I suspect, however, if it sticks, it can be called evolution.

DNA mutation would constitute cancer. I’m not a biologist, and you could be correct after all colored eyes are a mutation. But I know DNA mutation leads to cancer. I guess it depends on the nature of the mutation. But mutation of the DNA is usually adverse for the survival of the organism. Evolution takes years to form.

Atheism and science combined into Raelianism.

lol you don’t know what the fuck you are talking about.


It’s odd how they latch onto to, and focus solely on, scientific ideas they think “evidence” a deity, while either denying, or ignoring accepted scientific theories that directly contradict parts of their religious beliefs. As if we won’t notice the bias.

That aside all they would need do is objectively research the level of theism among elite scientists in the relevant field, as they are surely best placed to understand if that idea does in fact “evidence” any deity. Their reticence when this is pointed out, again suggests their acting from simply bias.

If they want to discuss scientific ideas, why not go to a forum designed for this? Why bring it here, as if we didn’t know.

I dont know much about quantum physics. ( But the point about the cells is accurate.) Also I was thinking about how physicist try to predict an electrons location and can’t. So no I don’t know quantum physics, but everything else is right. The content of consciousness is unknown and I don’t think this information about cells has something do with it. Go read a book cell mutation is cancer.

You don’t know much about biology either.

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  1. That is inaccurate (cancer is a disease created by a specific set of mutations, it is not a mutation itself, don’t confuse the forest with the trees).
  2. Before this post of mine: I had not even mentioned cancer. Can you explain your sentence to me in that context?

That is exactly what QM is for: making predictions (and testing them); just like every other field of science.