If you are interested

Actually, the number given was supposed to be for seven-leaf clovers.


I had to re-read it like 3 times to see that (after you telling me), oops!

:frowning_face: :anguished: :sweat_smile:


Re: Elephant parable video

As others have said, that has been around for more than a little while. And for those who are already looking for some sort of “confirmation” for their “sacred beliefs”, on the surface that little story might seem enticing and profound… (on the surface). However, please allow me to provide my evaluation real quick…

Blind or otherwise, they are all supposedly “Wise Men”, right? That seems to be “served” as the foundation for this story. With that in mind, how wise could they possibly be, considering their situation? Short answer: Not very wise. (Nor even remotely intelligent, for that matter.) “Why,” you may ask? Glad you asked. But I ask your forgiveness ahead of time for the obvious I am about to state…

The elephant is a real living creature. It moves. It breathes. It makes noises. It responds to touch/stimulous. It has an odor. And all of those “wise men” have full access to it so that they can examine it completely to form a full picture of what it is. For them to each examine only ONE PART of the entire beast and then quibble with each other about what it truly is goes beyond ridiculous. It would be like something from a Monty Python skit. Laughable. To say the least, the elephant story is (at best) a horrible/pitiful analogy to use in regards to demonstrating “Truth.” If the “Truth” is suppose to be the elephant as portrayed in the parable, then anybody/everybody should be able to walk around it and examine it in its entirety.

Here’s the supreme irony in that. In many ways, the “Truth” really is there for anybody to see. The problem, though, is that too many people have zero desire/intentions of examining the entire elephant.


Oh for FUCK SAKE - I already gave her all the scientific data backing up these FACTS. And then she goes and (FACE PALM!) What a TWIT!



Indeed. I agree wholeheartedly.


The odds you looked for were for 4 leaf clovers. But it is okay. Here’s a screenshot.

@Cognostic have you tried the same project for seven leaf clovers?

@Get_off_my_lawn had a patch in his yard as a kid that produced several. Maybe you could shed some light as to why, considering you have done so much research on 4 leaf clover odds.

Cut the crap. I have made no claims about research on 4 leaf clover odds. In any case, you still don’t seem to get my point. Law of big numbers (which for 4-leaf clovers arent that big, arount 1/10k, according to @Nyarlathotep’s quick net search). Even events with very low odds (like finding a 7-leaf clover or winning the powerball lottery), someone will get lucky when enough people are involved. But the chances of YOU being the lucky one are minuscule. THAT’S the point. I cannot understand it for you, you’ll have to make an effort to do it yourself.


Do you know how Google works?

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No, but @Cognostic did research 4 leaf clover odds:

I got your point. Thanks.
I think you may have sidestepped mine though. Having never seen or experienced finding a four-leaf clover himself, my husband had decided that they were a myth. He decided that long before Google. He never felt any adult inclination to search them out again.
He would have likely never seen one, nor realized their existence (no matter what the odds were) if the subject had not been brought up by our youngest or searched out by her sister.
I was not even aware he thought like that because I had never asked.

In other words, the odds didn’t necessarily matter in this case. (Although they are interesting) 1 in 10,000 may has well been 1 in 250,000,000, as was the case for that peculiar patch in your childhood yard. My husband had stopped believing in them, and therefore felt no need to search for them long before there was a handy computer app to provide him with irrefutable proof.

I do not desire to disparage your husband, but this behavior is disconcerting.


Haha…I did too. But four-leaf clovers were only important enough for him to seek them out as a child. Finding one as adult after he’d given up believing in them was the wonder.

If you had not seen one as a child, would you search for them as adult on the computer or otherwise without prompting?

Your experience likely colors your bewilderment at such a lack of concern for what you know through experience to be real.

He didn’t have that. He didn’t have the experience.

He stopped looking for 4-leaf clovers over 20 years before Google, and never had a conversation with anyone about them. (He’s a quiet guy)

I have hard rule to attempt to learn a new word each day. It is fun and allows me to become a better communicator. I also try to learn new things. It is a wonderful world out there with amazing people. Many projects, discoveries, and people deserve recognition and attention.

Definitely. See above. I am also a lover of the natural world, it is freaking amazing.

In my retirement I attempt to continue growing and developing into a better person. I re-visit previous assumptions and actions in order to learn if I got things wrong. It is also a very good way to keep the old brain from rusting up. On a side note, I understand that I am far from perfect, I have fucked up, I have wronged people unnecessarily, and I have made poor decisions.

I own my shortcomings. And I desire to become a better person than I was yesterday. That is one reason why I am a member of this forum, I learn, have fun, and develop.

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Speaking of little wonders. Those beautiful yellow flowers that grow wild here are not Black-Eyed Susans.

After introducing them to y’all, I searched them up, and found that they are actually called: coreopsis tinctoria.

The various articles said they were edible and were used as a coffee substitute. My daughters and I picked a few a few bunches on our walk. This is day 2. I haven’t died, and I do feel a bit more peppy. 1 6 oz cup feels equivalent to about 2 8 oz cups of coffee.

Thanks, y’all!

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It’s a good thing to expand one’s vocabulary. But are you able to remember and actually use all those new words in practical conversation and communication? If so, that’s quite impressive. As for me, I’ve just started to learn a new language. While I would have liked to learn a non-indo-european language, just for the novelty, I decided in the end to go for French. For me as a European, French has a higher utility factor than a non-european language, as it is easier to learn, use, and maintain. However, I would love to learn an Asian or an African language at a later stage.

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No. I forget a lot. But that is why I try to keep learning, because eventually some shit does stick to the wall.

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That is awesome!

Perhaps, I have a new word for you. It was certainly new to me (or my conscious mind, at any rate)

Several years ago, I had a dream that I remember nothing else about, except for someone unseen whispering the word: pulchritudinous in my ear.

I looked it up and was surprised.

We have all fucked up in some way, potentially wronged people, and made poor decisions.
For what it is worth, my opinion is that recognizing and taking responsibility for our shortcomings is the first step to becoming a better person than we were yesterday.

We have to realize what we want to improve before we can take steps to improve matters.


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