Not me :rofl:


To be fair, I think one could say Donald Trump must be someone’s nightmare come true…

Louisiana you say? Is that in the bible belt?

Read yesterday that Jerry Falwell jnr is following a family tradition. He’s suing some one who wrote mean things about him . (Senior sued Larry Flint and lost)

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“I have a dream…” has been replaced with

“I have a premonition…

Surely there are many who have the lot? Surely can’t be hard once one begins believing in one form of woo?

It’s just as the queen in Alice of Wonderland said:

" Alice laughed: “There’s no use trying,” she said; “one can’t believe impossible things.”
“I daresay you haven’t had much practice,” said the Queen. “When I was younger, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.”

Alice in Wonderland.

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It does seem that once someone goes down that rabbit hole they’re prone to jump into every rabbit hole they come across. The people convinced that believing by faith alone makes them godly are often the ones who fall for anything. Being a mormon certainly seems to have contributed to Lori Daybell falling into the magical thinking that caused her to believe her husband, then her children, had become zombies, even though the religion itself doesn’t appear to say anything about zombies. Several devout Christians I know are also stout believers in psychics, despite the bible repeatedly condemning psychics and their kind. Just more hypocrisy. Has anyone seen a study done to see if the religious are more prone to conspiracy theories? I’d be interested to see it.

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Though bizarrely not for conflicting religions. When I ask people what objective evidence they can demonstrate for any deity, and they offer beliefs based solely on faith, with no objective evidence at all, I always ask what their criteria for disbelief is.

The hope is always that the questions will cause them a lucid moment, when they’ll see the inherent closed minded bias of their position. It seldom seems to register with theists I must say, as it rarely dents their ability to ignore such obvious cognitive dissonance.

Oddly enough, theists most often accuse me of bias for not sharing their beliefs, despite all the “evidence” they’ve offered.

Irony overload at that point. I can’t be the only atheist on here to have noticed theists from conflicting religions never argue with each other on here, indeed when they do acknowledge each other they seem to think their evidence is equally valid in establishing the existence of a deity, and see no problem in this position.

The same as Breezy claiming his denials of evolution were motivated by his discovery of scientific flaws in it, and nothing to do with his religious beliefs.

I asked him how many other scientific facts he denied, that in no way contradicted any part of his religious beliefs. I think you can guess he became evasive, as he so often did when questions exposed his bias. He even tried to claim the question had no relevance.

Then again the same theist (Breezy) claimed the bible condemned slavery, but then refused to even discuss biblical texts other than the one he had cited, claiming they had no relevance, even though they specifically mention and endorse slavery, and his chosen text made no specific mention of it.

Breezy was funny, but for all the wrong reasons.


A common cri de coeur with apologists who come here. Especially those who take it upon themselves to proselytise the poor hignorant, damned atheists. Also common for them to get their knickers all out of focus when they are challenged. This is usually followed by said person grabbing his/her ball and going home in a snit.

Over the last couple of weeks we’ve been blessed (if you’ll excuse the expression) with three of god’s warriors. Are there any more lurking?

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