I learned something disgusting today

I learned that there is a market for selling child molester insurance to churches.


That is truly disgusting!


Is the Catholic church buying these policies in bulk?

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I wouldn’t be surprised if the churches used people’s tithe money to pay for it


Hmmm… :thinking:… Guess that means somebody determined God will no longer forgive child molesting unless the church the molester attends is insured. Brilliant marketing strategy.

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Wow, that is disturbing to say the least. I can only imagine the people who sat down and pitched this as an idea. Might need to do some digging into who runs that operation.

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I am so disgusted by this that I don’t even know where to begin. I–quite literally–almost vomited when I read this.

With insurance to pay the legal fees, more pedophiles will go free and/or receive lighter sentences.

This is beyond awful.

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Any idea which companies are selling this ?

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A cursory internet search found this insurance policy:

And here’s an article on how to chose among molestation insurance policies:

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Hi @watchman ! Nice to see your smiling mask!

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Gee, I wonder if there is a “Hush-Money” option available in the contracts? :thinking:

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I was going to fill out and submit a quotation request on this site, as follows:

Name: Francis
Size of congregation: 1.3 billion
Number of clergy: 450,000

But darn, the quote form doesn’t load properly…


I really shouldn’t be stunned at this “revelation”, but I still am? Maybe I am nowhere near as cynical as I thought?


Am I disgusted? Yes. Am I surprised? No, not even a little bit. Of course churches want to protect themselves from the consequences of harboring pedophiles, and of course someone will try to profit by offering that protection. I don’t know though, I’d think it would be like specializing in selling flood insurance to places prone to flooding.

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Well, floods are a bit different than pedophilia.


I’ve done some more reading since this morning. I’m guessing this isn’t a new thing, just something people don’t talk about much. A quick search revealed dozens of companies offering this kind of insurance. They also seem to offer the same/similar insurance to protect companies from losses associated with sexual harassment lawsuits.

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Shit like this is why I dispise lawyers.

For example, do you know what the difference is between a lawyer and a catfish?

Well . . . one is covered with slime, has poisonous spines, slithers around in the mud, is a bottom feeder, and will eat it’s own young . . . and the other is a fish.

Or, you know what the difference is between a sex worker and a lawyer?

A sex worker will stop fucking you when you’re dead.

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Actually, it depends on how much you pay her… Or, uh, so I’ve been told. :neutral_face:

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So insurance companies in the USA are now monetising child rape? Wow.

Of course, if various religious organisations weren’t riddled with this pestilence, the insurance companies wouldn’t have this opportunity. But it really does speak volume about the sleaziness of capitalism, that it will find a way to turn even the most disgusting episodes into a profit source.


I’m forced to reluctantly agree with your points about the sleaziness of capitalism (even if I don’t want to).

I reviewed my stock portfolio and researched my investments, and I found that I have an actual (but small) financial interest in companies that issue these kinds of policies.

So . . . I’ll be making changes in my portfolio, and I will also donate some money to a few causes so that I don’t have to feel like I’m profiting off of pedophilia.