I place a lot of stock in dreams because I believe that they can give insights into conflicts and/or issues that are going on in the subconscious mind.
I keep dreaming about a “Paloma Drive.”
I seem to get lost while walking, and a Paloma Drive is where I end up, and there are lots of restaurants, shops, etc. there. It’s like a tourist trap place in my dreams.
To the best of my knowledge, I have never been to a Paloma Drive, although it’s possible that I have been to a Paloma Drive in the distant past.
There are Paloma Drives in California, Arizona, and in some places in Florida (which is where I live). Paloma also means “pigeon” in Spanish.
There’s one near Houston, it was the first hit on Google maps? Do you have a hankering to go to, or stay the fuck away from, Texas? Is there someone called Houston or Texas you’d like to get to know in the physical sense? One for the Freudians there.
Thank you very much for getting back to me. I like Texas as a place, but I stay away because of their religious politics like their draconian abortion laws, their obsession with implementing the death penalty, and their anti-gay/anti-trans stuff makes me question their stance on human rights.
What you dream about is not as important as how you are feeling during the dream. Location is as important as its meaning. If the location has no meaning, then what are the actions and why? IMO, dreams are expressions of the thoughts and emotions you have been having.
From what you have said. Paloma Drive is not important. There are Paloma Drives everywhere. You associate the drive with shops, and restaurants, (etc, is non-specific) but you mention shops and restaurants, I’ll assume these are the most telling.
Paloma drives are everywhere = shops and restaurants are everywhere. Paloma also means 'Pigeon." A pigeon is also a sucker or a mark, someone easy to cheat.
Feeling lost among restaurants, and shops, which are everywhere, and the mention of pigeon (someone easy to cheat). Have you made any purchases, feel pressured to make purchases, or have a sense of being taken advantage of? This seems to be the emotional content of what you are saying. Feeling lost among shops and restaurants. lost, and not wanting to be cheated. Why lost?
My cold reading. (Playing this game is just a way of furthering the conversation and pointing to possibilities. People will not experience the same thoughts regarding the interpretation of dreams.)
Actually, much of you have indicated offers a lot of insight, so thank you.
You would probably do very well as a “psychic” or medium who does cold readings.
Thank you again very much.
I am currently working on a BSN in nursing, and–as a new graduate–am feeling a little lost and overwhelmed looking for a job, and the process is a little intimidating.
Working as a clinician for as many years as I have, and being very honest, working as a counselor is not much different than working as a psychic. Like a good psychic, you throw stuff against the wall and see what sticks. The main difference is that in counseling, two people are having an ‘honest’ interaction. Isn’t that what a Rorschach does? The House, Tree, and Person, is no different. So many subjective ‘tests’ that are used as a catalyst for exploration. I think dreams can be used the same way. It’s just a catalyst for conversation and self-exploration.
This is more illuminating, as after a long period, almost 3 years of not working (mostly) I had a chance of a start as a contract source inspector for a large airframe manufacturer. Most of my dreams never register, but in the days leading up to me sitting the test to qualify, I was struggling to sleep, and having relentless dreams.
Maybe focusing less on what the dreams mean, and more on what might be causing them, would be edifying? The reality is never as worrisome as the anticipation of it, and I am lucky as at my age I have enough experience to know this, but still those dreams troubled me for a few nights, as the sart got closer.
Ironically the one thing I didn’t suffer any dreams about was a massive strike, and a stop being put on all contractors. Is it likely your dreams are simply an extension of your anxiety over seeking a relatively unknown or at least very different new employment?
I read a few pages of ‘Interpretation of Dreams’ by Sigmund Freud. And he really messes up a lot in his research, because it lacks science. Dreams are produced subconsciously and the insight you can gather is what your sense of life is, Google: sense of life Ayn Rand lexicon. Your dream doesn’t have much detail, but from the way you go about it “trapped” or “lost” sounds to me like a bad dream. There is no exact way to know a dream meaning, Freud believed dreams are “A desire of wish-fufillment.” But there is so much going on in the subconscious/emotions that it is hidden to you in form of analogies. That’s according to him…I don’t see why I would believe him. However dreams do give you insight to emotions, my advice have journal and write your dreams, kick the day off writing after you’ve woken up. The more detail you the more smoothly the interpretation will go and you’ll understand it’s essence. Of course I personally don’t wanna be fuzzing thinking what dreams meant, there are other ways to introspect though dreams can help but I would just think about it on the side. That’s my advice, you could also ask a psychologist, let me just say I don’t what your dream means but the 'sense of life’s is insight to what your view of life is pretty much. That’s what I got for ya, in my opinion there is no need to obsess about a dream, it can be done just know it’s a discovery of your emotional self, which is nothing too crazy. Do you, and the journal will make the interpretation go better. See ya(the interpretation which is just trying to figure out the overall vibe of the dream is going to be mostly intuitive.)
Dreams are just your conscious mind trying to make sense of random thought the brain pops up out of the chaos of sleep. When I was at Purdue I saw a dream generator in operation. People were saying it was very similar to what they had dreamed “last night”. This after earlier inquiries had provoked response that the person couldn’t remember any of their dreams from the night before.
I don’t know that I 100% agree with this, as I have had recurring dreams that are–essentially—the same nightmare over and over again. In another post, I discussed a very specific recurring nightmare (about quicksand) that began when I was about 5 years old, and I had it for the last time when I was about 13. This specific nightmare could also manifest as a serial nightmare, where–if I woke up in the middle of the narrative–it would pick up where it left off when I went to sleep the next night.
I believe that dreams are more complicated and/or necessary than we currently believe, and I believe that they serve a vital purpose in giving insights into the self.
I have nightmares that follow a narrative that mirrors my experiences in EMS as a paramedic, as I believe that I have a measure of PTSD.
Nightmares can–as a consequence–be diagnostic of certain psychological and physical conditions.