There is the matter of interpretation of course. If Buddhism states there is reincarnation of the soul after death, you interpret this as evidence of the souls abillity to exist outside the body when between the previous body and the next. But, that’s only your interpretation or the story as you were told. But, I interpret this as a story that has nothing to do with a physical reincarnation, but a story to teach people how to live. There is no afterlife, there is no reincarnation. The story, as in al lmojor religions, is not about an afterlife, but about the attitude during life. You are supposed to live and behave as if you were punished after death by being reincarnated in a minor animal. Nobody, really nobody knows how and if this really happens. We only know how one should behave during ones life. And there stories help you by providing a stance in your thinking. Thes stories have no physical reality whatsoever.
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LMAO. So he makes a ton of dead end arguments, then when he’s called out, he dishonestly plays the victim? ROFL puhlease…
Oh do fuck off, you were never interested in debate.
We don’t, we reserve that for sententious preach merchants like you.