This is noted to be explained.
What is it with crazy theists, and cryptic bs? At least we’ve been spared the insane random capital letters this time…
Followings were extracted from the You Tube ;
Premier Unbelievable
Can Chemistry Solve the origin of life?
The Science Foundation
The Great Debate- What is life?
What is your point, and what did you want to debate? Also YouTube is one word, it’s right there at the bottom of that video.
In sum, those are almost two hours of videos. I refuse to waste hours of my time because some lazy-ass person on a forum is too lazy to summarise them, and point out the interesting parts.
Do you really expect that throwing almost two hours of videos (that you cannot even bother to summarise, or are unable to summarise) is an argument? And do you really expect us to watch those when you are too lazy to even sum up the main points and conclusions, with time stamps? Don’t you have any arguments of your own? Do you need YouTube to make your arguments for you?
In any case: I have had hour-long videos thrown at me by creationists and flat-earthers many times. In all cases, they were either to lazy to summarise the videos they posted, or too incompetent to summarise them, or they just didn’t understand them (thus misrepresenting them). Or several of the above. Do you fall into that category as well?
What is felt by the views of the experts of the field in the video clips are;
- Pre- information are required to start the life in the universe.
- Life exits through out the universe.
- Basics of Evolution theory is not completed.
- Basics of Micro-biology is not completed.
- Big Bang theory cannot support origin of life in the universe.
- Information exist as a different form when universe is absence.
- As living beings are individual entities, There cannot be one powerful intelligent designer.
8.Some Information can exist without biological structures. - All living and non living things subjected to the natural laws of universe.
- Still the science cannot define many thing in the universe .
I debated how to respond to the above post. There were a number of ways, but I decided on this one:
This is the first item on your list. I can tell it came out of the first video as the conclusion would be that a god was involved. But where is the evidence for this pre-information? I haven’t looked at the video, but I’ll bet they didn’t mention any evidence at all. I’ll bet they just said it as though it were a foregone conclusion. That’s not how science works.
Science might speculate something before life started, but then it would search for evidence to support that conjecture. And if none were found it would be rejected.
This is not my area of expertise, but I think they’ve found some of the building blocks of life, like amino acids, but “information”? Not so much.
The nature of science is that every answer prompts more questions - more things to explain.
And it is always moving forward. It wasn’t until the 16th century that Copernicus had the math to conclude that the earth was not the center of the universe. But they thought the sun was.
It turned out the sun wasn’t the center of the universe - it wasn’t even the center of the galaxy. And it wasn’t until Einstein that the idea that a black hole existed, let alone was at the center of EVERY galaxy.
Dark Matter? Another question that came out recently. 100 years ago, they didn’t know enough to think there was such a thing.
So that’s what to look for. Are people asking questions and searching for answers? Or are they saying something MUST be true without evidence and not doing the research to support or deny that something.
Good luck on your quest. I’ve done that journey and that’s why I am an atheist.
- What is pre-information?
- Assertion sans data to back it up
- That’s incorrect
- That’s incorrect
- Of course it can’t, they are two completely different subjects
- What does this mean? The statement makes no sense to me
- Is this an assertion that each thing needs its own creator?
8. Define information - Agreed
- Agreed
These will be answered. Sorry for delays due to some personal matters.
- Can you demonstrate any objective evidence to support this claim?
- Can you demonstrate any objective evidence to support this claim?
- So what?
- So what?
- Can you demonstrate any objective evidence to support this claim?
- Can you demonstrate any objective evidence to support this claim?
- Can you demonstrate any objective evidence to support this claim?
- So what?
- So what?
- So what?
Before providing some details to the questions, I pay my attention to the following few areas for the common awareness as I think they are relevant to the discussion.
The word is a combination of different cultures, languages and religions. The people’s understanding and realizations of moral, social and cultural beliefs depend on their own habitual areas, the environment and knowledge.
People have a historical experience and learned capacity of knowledge of years to know good and bad. They know how to analyze the facts and absorb them. This is how the world goes.
When study the world cultures and religions, it is clearly seen that there is a big cultural and religious difference between Western and Eastern countries. Understanding and practices are completely opposite, though there are commonalities. There are many useful concepts that can be used to the society and the lives of the people. Some stuffs can be rejected.
Generally all religions use some historical stories, ceremonies, rituals and other things to elloborate the value, belief, quality of them and for the existence of them. In almost all countries, government’s function totally depend on this.
When speak of Eastern culture and religion, I’ve noticed that in many ancient scriptures and text books of Buddhism and Hinduism deeply discuss about mind, consciousness, meditation, all living beings and Cosmology. And that is not an area western people deeply touch.
According to the scriptures, the Buddha in Buddhism, was born in a royal family well educated at that time had associated many spiritual leaders and had practiced many concepts of meditation techniques. Finally summering all, he has found a way to achieve a goal called Enlightenment which he could see and understand the nature of the universe and function of the mind, consciousness and it’s attributes and how the consciousnesses function effect the growth of living beings.
According to the the Buddhist doctrine, there is no any room for a powerful god who can create or destroy the universe,though, he has described in many places of the striptures that there are many gods, as a form of consciousness is present in many planes and dimensions of the universe.
This means that the consciousnesses has the ability to present outside biological structures. This is an unknown phenomenon to the common sense.
Buddhism described a Cosmology in their ancient scriptures of more than 2,000 years similar to the modern Cosmology. It says about a cyclic universe not a linear one. According to that description, big bang can be considered as an one incident( please watch if you are interested Buddhist Cosmology in YouTube).
To be added…
Quelle surprise, this new string of preachy claims all get a so what?
Quelle surprise…
No, I think that stuff was not relevant. I think it was misdirection. I think it was avoidance.
I can’t still understand the behavior of the people of this group. Thanks for your support. This is a notice for my leaving. Thanks again.
Do you want me to shut off your login account?
Try Googling the definition of the words debate and preaching, this might help.
Can’t say I will miss being preached at, hope you find the echo chamber you’re looking for.
Yes please, ask the members of this group not to insult others. That’s the very basics of debate. These people are very premitive yet and they don’t have sufficient subject knowledge of some areas.
Note: Per his/her response to the affirmative, the login account for u-1948 has been shut off.
Thank you, glad to see he used his last post to lie his arse off, as he had done all the way through.
Well that part is easy to explain: complexity increases spontaneously. Complexity and entropy are closely related; when the entropy goes up, so does the complexity. Entropy grows spontaneously, and therefore so does complexity; all you need is time.