Happy Winter Solstice

True love comes from your inner soul blessed be My good friend and debater …

Is this guy for real?


  1. Define what you mean by a soul
  2. Demonstrate the existence of such a soul
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Love and inner peace :sparkling_heart::dove::dove::dove:


20 characters, meh.


Those don’t define or demonstrate the existence of a soul? Those words already have definitions, as @Get_off_my_lawn asked, define a soul, and demonstrate that it exists, or is even possible?

Love describes a range of complex human emotions, and peace describes a tranquil state, neither word remotely defines or evidences the existence of a soul?

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Well I have been short on batshittery lately so I guess this is rather timely.
Now, the thing about batshittery is that it is far more effective if some portion of it actual comports with some extraneous aspect of reality.
Indeed I am one of the “chosen one’s”(sic)…that is why my right hand is often swollen.
Next, although what goes up must come down and that I have the wind beneath my feet. “as above so below” is batshittery of the highest caliber.
The mind does not possess aspects such as “inner”…unless one is surrendering to “the control voice” .
“For the next hour we will control all that you see and hear. You are about to experience the awe and mystery which reaches from the inner mind to the outer limits.” (From my dusty memory files)

I’m not sure wtf the random caps and word confetti has to do with anything, and calling me “Sister” is fucking hilarious. Although I was a “pretty” little boy, I am now about as far as a human could be, from exhibiting any characteristics which might inspire the moniker of “Sister”…
Gotta say though, this was a good distraction from the reality of my physicality…

Edit to gaze into the mirror

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I love you All spiritually blessed be


Brother My sincere apologies


To whom are you apologizing?

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You All All I see hear And get from you is hate and Judgment I love you all GOODBYE :sparkling_heart:

So you can’t define a soul then, or evidence one, thought as much.

Normally I would ask why you’re apologising to yourself, but the question seems redundant.

Okay…c ya, there’s the door.

Right there → :door:

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Don’t let the door-handle hitcha where your lord god splitcha.

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