Grieving and confused

And you obviously don’t have a clue as to what it’s like to lose a child or a grandchild do you? And having a memorial tattoo for a lost family member doesn’t make me “special”, it just means that I can’t forget them, even if I want too. It’s always there to remind me. I didn’t get a tattoo to “remember” my dad when he died(20 years ago) because he was a racist son-of-a-bitch, and I haven’t missed him in even the slightest way.
Your tough love/ quit your whining philosophy on life just makes you sound like an arrogant asshole. No wonder you live alone.
Recounting what our family had to go through when the subject of losing a child comes up on this forum helps with the healing process. So does time, the hurt is not quite as bad. If you want to call it “whining”, go ahead, it’s just your opinion, it means less than nothing to me.
In my opinion, you’re nothing less than a professional asshole. So there you go. We could just keep on sending insults back and forth to each other, but in the grand scheme of life, none of this matters.
I haven’t lost any sleep over anything that I’ve read on this forum, and never will. Neither you nor anybody else on this website are that important. I check the list of postings on this site everyday to see if there’s anything of interest to read and/or respond too. I don’t go looking for ways to shove my life’s philosophy down someone’s throat, whether or not they want/or need to hear it. You can’t help yourself. Your opinion is just like anyone else’s, it doesn’t mean shit to anyone else but you.(yeah, I know)

True enough on the surface.

Funny, I’d never thought of that. I’ve lived alone for almost 30 years. My choice, and I don’t whine about it. (neither do you Cog)

People often fail to grasp the difference between solitude and loneliness. IMO the same people seem unable to realise there are worse things than loneliness.

Sometimes my cookies become crumbled when some one who doesn’t know any better implies that that a person who lives alone is ‘less than’.

In my state, 25% of all house holds have one person.

You fucking idiot. You don’t have a clue what I have been through. Go stroke your tattoo. Find someone else to whine to. “You don’t know what it’s like to have this or that happen.” You whiny piece of shit. You wear your grief like a badge of honor and the sad thing is that it just makes you look pathetic. You are not special. Many of us have had children who have died. Get the fuck over yourself.

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No I do not. I have no children or grand children.

I have suffered a loss you have not suffered; the end of my marriage was the worst experience of my life***. I lost the fucking plot. Took me five years to learn to live with it. I have never recovered financially.

OF COURSE I can’t understand your suffering, I’m not you. Neither can you understand mine. Suffering is suffering, it’s not a fucking contest.

***THAT was on12 April 1991.

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JESUS, (sorry) you are an opinionated, angry son of a bitch, aren’t you? You do realize that calling someone that you’ve never met or talked too in any other way than from behind a keyboard every name in the book isn’t particularly impressive.
And you’re right, I don’t know what you’ve been through, but to be honest, with opinions like the ones you spew out other people, I don’t fucking care. You’re not special either( or maybe you’re really “special”).
As for the tattoo’s, it’s something that I needed to do in the moments after their deaths. The pain helped me deal with the pain of losing a family member. If you can’t understand that, it’s your problem, not mine.
We all live our lives differently and try to do the best that we can. If you’ve decided to live your life being alone and belittling everybody that doesn’t live up to your standards and do nothing but spew obscenities on-line at those people, keep on doing what you’re doing. Your parents must be so proud. They raised a real piece of work.
Now you get the fuck over yourself.

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I can definitely empathise, as you know. My own divorce complicated by the fact my grandchildren are not blood relatives, so though I still see them, the divorce has changed that relationship as well.

The point though is that each person is different, and deals with things differently. I just try not to feel sorry myself, and hopefully I’ll get the hang of it at some point…:face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Kudos, that nails it pretty succinctly for me.

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Nothing innately wrong with self pity. AND only you can judge when enough is enough for you.

After the separation I did some heavy duty wallowing for a couple of weeks, with lots of crying*** . Then I put on my stoic face and got on with it. No one wants to be around a misery guts and few employers will tolerate it.


That was in April 1991. Next time I cried was at my mother’s funeral in April 2019.

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Now come on Boomer. Mr Macabnre is SPECIAL. His pain and suffering is more important than any… and all… the pain and suffering that any and all have experienced before him … or will experience after his self centered delusional ass is long gone and burred. We all know Mr Macabnre is SPECIAL because his mommy told him so. ‘You are SPECIAL,’ she used to say.

He just never picked up on the fact that she did not mean it in a good way.

Okay… I am being a shithead about this. But there is a difference between someone in pain and someone demanding you pay attention to the pain they are in. Our friend is doing the latter. "Everyone Pay Attention to My Pain. You can’t imagine how traumatic and painful my life is. Ohhh WOE is me. Look at my tattoo. See what I HAVE HAD TO ENDURE. SO MUCH MORE THAN ANY OF YOU.

I for one am sick to death of the guy. I would have more sympathy for Candy if she stepped on a tack.

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SO!!! THATS where all our $$$$ has been going!!!

What about a broken toe?

I broke my pinkie toe two days ago. Fuck all a person can do about it but leave it alone. It’s healing quite nicely.

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Yeah, you kind of are actually. But hey, that’s fine, it’s your best thing. :innocent:

Mkay… You seem to be investing an awful lot into what the bloke has to say. From here, it looks like he’s managed to push some of your buttons. He can only do that if you let him, imo.

Awww. Man, that is so sad. I will fly to Canada just to give you a shoulder to cry on…


I’m actually between computers right now. Going to order the parts for the new computer pay day and put it together over the weekend. My ole reliable just ate one bit too many and fizzed out on me.

No one ever wins when 2 people are having a pissing contest over the “interweb”. It’s a “he said, she(he) said” waste of time. Cognostic is entitled to his opinion. If he agrees or disagrees with anything that I post on these forums, he is free to say whatever he wants. But if he thinks that anything he says will cause me to lose any sleep, that’s okay. My life doesn’t revolve around this website or his words of wit. I have more important things to deal with. His ranting and raving about me and my tattoos make me think that he’s either afraid of needles, or he tried to get tattooed and had a bad experience. Either way, I don’t fucking care.
By the way Cognostic, I don’t remember ever hearing my mom tell me that I was special, I just remember her telling me to stop being such a jerk to my little sisters.

Selective perception with a hidden agenda of seeking gratification in the form of positive pay offs for past trauma in the form of nurturing comments makes people susceptible to hearing only certain types of comments. It makes complete sense you would forget your mother calling you “Special.” I fully understand. All you are capable of doing is interpreting the world in terms of the categories and information you have inside, and you are unwilling and/or unable to listen to or value the input from those you call friends who are around you. How unfortunate for you. Your choice then is to continue on as you are until you wake from your delusion.


Not sure it’s about winning… I mean, you both seem to be having such a good time. :innocent:

Me? I have plenty of popcorn.

Today’s resolution: From time-to-time I will try to seize the opportunity not to take myself seriously.

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My stock in Orville Redenbacher just keeps going up.

Its better than the tennis…popcorn

DAMN, You really do have a high opinion of yourself and the information that you insist on sharing with the world.
P.S. Are you afraid of needles?

When I read your exchanges this is the image which comes to mind :innocent: