Every party needs a pooper.
So, while in the Army, we should have gone straight to the clubs after a field exercise.
Now I learn this.
Maths is clearly not a biblical strong point.
And I’d suggest its idea of putting away childish things needs some work
UK Atheist
So I saw this thing circulate online the other day, where the Bible is referred to as “The Goat Herder’s Guide To The Galaxy”. I think I’m going to use that one from now on, when appropriate.
Ohhhh, me too Calling evangelicals “Evangenitals” is a good one too. Calilasseia found that one. They are so obsessed with that part of people. To be fair, so is their pervert god.
I recently came across a comedian (Kevin James Thornton) who’s gay and who by his own words was raised in a “super fundamentalist church”. He has a bit where he describes when he spoke in tongues and said “Shamala Hamala” :
Shamala Hamala is entered in the Urban Dictionary as: A phrase said during Glossolalia, or speaking in tongues when possessed by the Gods of Homosexuality.
I love learning new words