Evidence For Aliens?

Uh huh…no self-respecting alien would stoop so low as to mutilate anything. It’s clearly the government trying to cover up the evidence of highly-advanced aliens, by scaring some people with barbaric mutilation stories…everyone knows it’s all about the blood.
In fact, being one with lizard blood (B-) I resent references to “lizard babies”…but I digress…
So yeah, “washed in the blood”, etc., etc…
[Genesis 9:4] “But flesh with the life thereof, which is the blood thereof, shall ye not eat.”

Edit (“…and then he said eat me”)

WTF has that got to do with the article?

UK Atheist

If you had Jesus in your heart you would understand.


Wow! Are you saying cardiomegaly would help him understand about aliens, I’m confused, do the aliens enlarge your heart by putting Jayzusss in it? How do the aliens stop this leading to dilated cardiomyopathy?

This place is fantastic, what with this and all of @Uranium333’s stuff I’m lurnin all the time… :smirk:

Seriously though, I should have called that one, @Uranium333 misspelled Bob Dilan (sic), and even misspelled butt in his opening post, that combined with the tell tale agnostic tag, and then asking what atheism meant in his first post, the signs were all there. Teenage boy would be my best guess…

So, Jesus in your heart ay, who knew?

Oh ye doubters! Once you have been washed in the blood, you will be able to know the truth. Until that time you will flail about, believing that “reason” and “logic” will lead you to truth. Christians know that faith is the only path to truth. I mean, isn’t it obvious that faith is a reliable path to truth?
It can be liberating to know that there is nothing you cannot believe in based on faith…

The heart is just a pump and I’m a friggin’ atheist you muppet!

UK Atheist

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He was being ironic, I am pretty sure… :sunglasses:

Then he should make that clear. Has he ever heard of emoticons or whatever?

UK Atheist

I doubt it, though he may fling his dung occasionally, you’ll get used to it. :wink:


Hmm! Thanks for the advice (I appreciate it) but, I don’t take sh** from anyone so, until he learns…

UK Atheist

Oh, your one of those? Jesus loves you anyway. “Knock and the door will be opened. Confess your sins and invite him into your heart, and eternal salvation is yours. For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever should believe in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” Jesus is waiting for you with open arms. He loves you,

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HMPH! :triumph: You’ve obviously never watched “Invasion of the Body Snatchers.”

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That’s right, UK! You tell 'im! Don’t let that deceptive Cog lead you astray onto the Path of Rightousness! :rofl:

(Edit to find my compass.)

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There is no validatable evidence that your Jesus ever existed.

Your god and your Jesus are nothing but convenient swear words to me.

UK Atheist

Too right! I prefer the dark side :rofl:

UK Atheist

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Ha! There is the written testimony of millions and that is in fact, “EVIDENCE,” and it is in fact “valid.”
VALID: having a sound basis in logic or fact; reasonable or cogent.

Hearsay evidence , also known as anecdotal evidence , is considered to be the weakest form of evidence (Guess what? It still qualifies as “EVIDENCE”)

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No, it’s not. History is written by those with an agenda, usually the victors of some war or other, so it cannot be considered validatable in any real sense. Look at how Mother Theresa is idolised yet she was by some very credible accounts an evil f#%*er!

We can get into this if you wish but not in this thread (it’s about aliens) and I strongly suggest you search for threads already dealing with it as I suspect it has been brought up many times.

Before you do, you might check out my review of ‘The Jesus Mysteries’ by Timothy Freke & Peter Gandy as that throws quite a lot of light on the subject.

UK Atheist

One of my all time favourite films, the version with Donald Sutherland, I absolutely love that film, and yes your point is well made, even though I was being facetious.

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Yes it is.

Run away you coward! Jesus loves you just the same.

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No, it isn’t and, for the terminally stupid, I repeat: History is written by those with an agenda, usually the victors of some war or other, so it cannot be considered validatable in any real sense.

The fiction that is Jesus cannot love me or anyone else.

I ain’t running as, firstly, evidenced by the link I supplied (that you have singularly ignored) and secondly by my invitation above, and I quote, “We can get into this if you wish but not in this thread (it’s about aliens) and I strongly suggest you search for threads already dealing with it as I suspect it has been brought up many times”… again ignored.

Feck knows what you’d consider standing up for a position if your warped mind thinks that’s “running away”!

UK Atheist