Do you fear death?

…and about us. lol

I’m always doing that. My half of the world sleeps when the meatier debates are raging here. I’m usually 60 to 70 posts behind the 8 ball and by the time I have read to catch up either its been an interesting exchange, everything has been covered and everyone has moved on or the debate degraded to a theist bonfire and someone gets suspended or bounced. My last questions to Joygirl2 will never get answered…mmm probably a good thing.


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I was hoping that he was banned outright, so that he can not only not be able to post on this forum, but read the different threads and the sub forums as a whole. I guess he is more in timeout.

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You don’t need an account/login to read the forums; just fyi.
Oops, I guess you do need an account to read the Atheist Hub; the Debate Room is the one you can read without one.

@Nyarlathotep I know…I did exactly that, before I joined in. If he does come back, maybe he will be more open-minded and humble, but there is no guarantee for that, either, I’m afraid.

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@Nyarlathotep That, plus you have to be in the category of “atheist”, in order to read the Atheist Hub.

Oh yeah, that is right! Sigh, I stop dealing with a system for a little while; and I forget everything about it. Story of my life.


Wouldn’t be surprised. About 10 years ago I belonged to five forums. Nogods persona was not at all unusual. It often whined about how people in other forums were mean to it…

Today, I find one forum is more than enough.

Or he’ll spend a year quietly fuming, and come back to vent, then get banned again immediately…

How long has ratty got left on his sentence?


Until Feb 28, 2022 8:00 am EST

I shall spend that time “girding my loins” for the inevitable recriminations that I will unjustly face (again) for his latest sabbatical.

Poor old ratty, like a rat on a wheel. Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it…

LOL… No point in dicking about with the sissy stuff…

How about going up to Liverpool, getting VERY drunk, then walking into the most rabid football pub wearing a Man U jersey and screaming they are a bunch of loser wankers?

@David_Killens That would be instant death, if you did that. Those fans don’t mess around.

@Nyarlathotep It’s what happens as you get older. No worries, mate.

There is a satellite city here called Elizabeth. Built in the1950’s to house the POMS (Brits) who migrated here and worked in the car industry. Elizabeth has been well known for producing great rock bands.

Anyway, in the mid 60’s, I knew a couple of not-too-bright blokes. Each was over 6 feet tall. They thought it would be fun to go and stand in the Elizabeth town centre on a Saturday night, wearing their POMMY BASTARDS t shirts.
Apparently, they only did it the once. Not sure because they refused to talk about it. :thinking:

My brother-in-law did something much like this when he was in his teens. His family moved from Sydney’s working class suburb of Bankstown to the upper-middle-class seaside suburb of Manly. Both suburbs were home to popular and rabidly antagonistic Rugby League teams.
My brother in law on the first day at his new school wore the distinctive blue and white guernsey of Bankstown. He strode alone to the centre of the quadrangle where everyone could see him. He stopped and surveyed the crowd. Satisfied he had everyone’s attention he then bellowed as loud as he could “Up the Mighty Bulldogs! Ra! Ra! Ra!”
It was widely considered an insane thing for anyone to do in those wild days when the violence of the random clashes between Rugby League fans shocked even the beefy players. But my brother in law’s defiant act proved too insane, even for the older larger lads of the Manly school, to respond with any physical retribution. They decided discretion the better part of any foolhardy valour in the presence of a psycho, and for the next three years, no one ever had the nerve to bother him. He did make a lot of friends nonetheless.
He still does these foolhardy things from time to time. We talk a lot and I know he is insane, but he is now a successful and respected doctor, the insanity doesn’t show through as much as it once did.

I had a friend I’ll call Raj who was about 4’11" as a freshman. One day he was wearing the colors of some opposing high-school football (American) team; and as apparently was the tradition; a huge football players (at least double the weight) grabbed him from behind, and picked up him. He was starting to carry him to some traditional hazing event to be mistreated by several football players.

Raj had intentionally orchestrated this event. He had a special drafting pencil that was incredibility sharp, long, and hard; which he was carrying specifically for the purpose of driving it through the hand of anyone who tried to carry him off that day…

I like Raj already. (20 Characters)