Creator Ethics towards its Creation

Whoa :open_mouth: whoa :hushed: WHOA :flushed:

YOU saying Christians have been adding “meaning” to the bible???

Lol :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


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No no mun, it has to be interpreted properly, now I have examined the babble carefully, and apparently it is quite clear god intended me to be in charge, so hop to you guys, I’m taking over.

My first decree is that all available global resources be directed at the Covid virus and in finding a vaccine.

When that’s sorted poverty, malaria, education, and equal rights, are next.

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That sounds like SATAN talking - the OPPOSER of gods great plan for end times global genocide!!!

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For an interesting take on this subject, track down the short story Non Serviam by Stanislav Lem. It’s quite an eye opener.

Absolutely. I’ve never been in favour of equal rights.

It all began with teaching the lower orders to read. Next was actually giving women the vote. That was compounded in 1960’s with feminism. Can’t tell you how hard it has been for me learning to treat women as if they are real people.

I say turn the clock back to about 1800, when everyone knew their place. Also reinstate public executions. They could be shown live on cable TV at half time during football and basketball games.

Then perhaps a jolly good war,like say in 1914. That would do wonders for the economy and get rid of some of the surplus population. I mean, have you ever considered what the world population would be if it wasn’t for both World Wars?

The US could solve its race problems by only drafting Hispanics and African Americans.

So don’t you worry mate, I’m right behind you. (in the rear with the gear) Just let me know when the shooting is about to start and I’ll sent my valet around.

Conclusion: I’ll take odds that I could find supporters for my New World Order via Face Book and Donald Trump. :innocent:

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You’ll need this…


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Off topic but I have a favourite sign writer cartoon:



Thanks for the story. It is noted.

God is love, God gave each and every one of a brain capable of making our own decisions he did not make us robots, those that choose not to love God back have separated themselves from God which is leaving our natural habitat we live and thrive in, if you take a fish out of water, it will eventually die, if you pull a tree from the soil it will eventually die, if you separate yourself from God you will eventually die spiritually, on top of this there are one of two places you will end up in once you die, either heaven with God’s love and kindness forever or hell which is eternal separation from God’s love and spiritually torment and pain forever. Now you will ask why would a good God send someone to hell for eternal torment and punishment? God is Holy and does not take sin lightly, God does not send anyone to hell we are all in this sinking ship called “Earth” heading to hell because we are all guilty of sin in God’s high standards, God gave us a lifeboat called “Jesus” so that anyone who would cling on to him will be saved. Even though someone might want to separate themselves from God, God made a way so even down to your last breath you might be able to believe in Jesus and spend eternity in his love.

Wall of text consisting of nothing but unsupported blind assertions.

You haven’t even passed first base here, namely, providing genuine evidence that your cartoon magic man even exists.

And before you even start, “my mythology says so” isn’t “evidence” for your cartoon magic man, it’s evidence for the propensity of the authors thereof to make shit up.


Unicorns are love.

Could you explain the objective difference between those unevidenced assertions?

Brains evolved, as have all living things, the overwhelming objective evidence that supports this makes denying it absurd. However even were this not the case, you would need to demonstrate sufficient objective evidence to support your claim, simply asserting it is meaningless.

The rest of your sermon is simply a string of unevidenced platitudes, it’s preaching, and this is a debate forum, so please offer something to support those claims, or find a pulpit to preach from. You’ve been here before and preached in the same vein, it’s tedious and pointless. We already know you believe it, you need to explain to us why, that is what debate is for.


I agree, @Soldier4christ is just spouting his dogma not realizing they are just a bunch of claims. I’m not sure what he is doing or if he’ll even respond. It already shows a lack of understanding in basic philosophy and science. This is why homeschooling can be bad…

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God the most high, is the creator of heaven and Earth,
Unicorns are a fairytale creation and before you try to say something disrespectful we can have a difference of opinion and argue civility towards each other, but do not mock my God one day you may need him.

Directing me to not mock your god (whatever that actually means) is not, imo, a civil argument nor merely a difference of opinion. Telling me I may one day need the god you have chosen to believe is real is, imo, completely disrespectful.

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So, are you able to put your money where your mouth is? How do you demonstrate that your god is real and created heaven (what is that?) and earth. How do you demonstrate that unicorns are a fairytale creation?


All you have done is repeat your claim, without answering my question? That is a subjective difference, not an objective one, since there are people who think deities are a fairytale creation, and there are people who think unicorns are real. However you claimed “god is love”, and I then asked you to explain the objective difference between that claim, and the assertion “unicorns are love”?

Do you have an answer? You do know what objective means right? You can Google the definition if not.

I shall judge what ideas are and are not worthy of respect, and if you can’t respect the atheists here enough to offer anything but high handed preaching, and evasion, then you’re in no position to demand respect, people get respect if they reciprocate, ideas and beliefs get respect only if they merit any.


Can I expect any attempt at an honest answer? If not, prepare to be mocked without mercy. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


First off, unicorns are in the Bible (multiple times): Numbers 23:22 (KJV): God brought them out of Egypt; he hath as it were the strength of an unicorn. Not quite sure what you want to do with this. Really the question is why do you believe in god, and not unicorns? How do you know one is made up by a human being and the other isn’t?

Secondly, I don’t know why people care if we mock their “all powerful” invisible friend. Your god can get his fat ass off his cloud and come do something about it if he wants. I have no idea why you would get offended by it. If I make fun of hurricanes, you probably wouldn’t get upset.

Finally, just stating random claims without answering questions itself isn’t very civil. Your just talking at us instead of with us.