Christianity is creeping back into public schools

And you think this is perfectly fine don’t you? Probably this only ends one way, we can’t let any of you at our children one way or another you have to be stopped.

Are you accusing me of being a pedophile?


Certainly an enabler of pedophiles. From the thing’s you’ve posted I wouldn’t be surprised if you were an open ally to them. Either way you are a threat to the well being of society and of children especially. If there were just one of you it wouldn’t make that much difference but that is not the case.

I have to agree with @David_Killens

Christopher Hitchens stated a long time ago that a Christian Theocracy is the equivalent of a Juche Monarchy.


Fuck you @JimmyRussel

You are outraged by an erection …

Who the fuck would view a human biological function like this??? Seriously :unamused:

Persons that act on this ILLEGAL impulse which is horribly harmful to children HAVE been in human society since its beginning (recorded history) as HAS INCEST, RAPE, MURDER etc. Thoughts :thought_balloon: do NOT crime make. Actions do.

Unless you’re a thought crime advocate.

Any of who at your children??? Teachers, doctors, friend’s parents…

Ahhhh - one that accuses a moderator of being a pedo enabler and an open ally to “them”. Worst of the worst to accuse someone YOU don’t know just because YOU don’t agree with what???

BECAUSE your link HAS fuck all to do with

Because CHRISTIANS/CHRISTIANITY have such a a great record when it comes to: pedophiles, incest, child trafficking, suppressing women/gays/minorities (of all color and religions), accurate scientific facts and teachings, hate-crimes

So once again fuck you and your Christian Nationalist, Putin freedom loving, shit-for-brains ideology.


Oh my, such a powerful accusation.

So I am an ally of the gay/trans community, will intervene in abuse against anyone, and somehow I enable pedophiles?

That is an interesting proposition.


I’ve suspended @JimmyRussel

Obvious hate-mongering bigot disguised 🥸 as an “atheist” to peddle Putin propaganda and troll

Thank you. I found his accusation and remarks towards David to be offensive and distasteful. His like will not be missed.

Jimmy’s ravings here were his pièce de ré·sis·tance.

(I think we should maybe have a forum dedicated to “contributions” by people who’s only use was to serve as a bad example, and were summarily suspended/ banned, IMHO. My $.02.)

@MrDawn Thank you.

I do not have to stoop so low as to defend myself on such accusations. My blood usually boils when I am wrongfully accused. But this was so far off the mark it did not affect my emotions.

One of the most heinous and repugnant acts one can commit is to rob a child of their innocence.


Whew :sweat_smile:

Edumacation… he must have slept through civics/social studies.

Dwayne Lich HUSBAND to Tammy Lich … “dwayne the tub, I’m dwownding” (in idiocracy). for those unaware, an organizer for the Canadian Truckers Convoy

”Honestly? I thought it was a peaceful protest and based on my first amendment, I thought that was part of our rights," he told the court.
“What do you mean, first amendment? What’s that?” Judge Julie Bourgeois asked him.
“I don’t know. I don’t know politics. I don’t know,” he said. “I wasn’t supportive of the blockade or the whatever, but I didn’t realize that it was criminal to do what they were doing. I thought it was part of our freedoms to be able to do stuff like that.”

Canadians have a Charter. Me thinks he gets his political ideas from US conspiraturd podcasts…


He is that dumb and influenced by foreign interests?

Is this the right way to Ottawa?

Ironically…they never spoke against the blockades or discouraged blockades or any extremism which was freely in-amongst the protesters.

It’s like “no one thought this isn’t fiscally Conservative responsible” or “rule of law” breaking??? Hahahahaha. Nope.

It’s like the Texas Governor rotting a half billion worth of goods a day to “stick it to the dems”. Great plan :face_with_raised_eyebrow: then bitch about inflation.

Stupid becomes obvious through actions. It’s better to be quiet and thought stupid then open your mouth and remove all doubt or WORSE impose stupid actions upon a whole group with harmful results.

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I’ve been saying that for years about David. Stinking little garden gnomes! … What? Oh! Sorry… Tin man just sent me a text message. Apparently, according to Tin, this Jimmy Russel guy is out of his frigging mind, high on crack, (I’m referencing the butt sniffing kind) and has a severe head injury from falling off his soapbox.

I still think it was an insightfull comment… You go jimmy! Put that nasty little garden gnome in his place!!!


Ahem!.. Psst… Hey, Cog… Read the text again… It actually said, “Jack Russels are friggin’ blind when hiding in a sack.”… Granted, you did figure out what my metaphor meant, but I didn’t expect you to tell everybody else. Geez…:roll_eyes:

Oh… Jack Russles… Sheesh, don’t I feel silly. Never mind.

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Cog, I come in peace.

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I got a shotgun around here someplace:
Gno gnome. Gnome gnone for gnood. Gnome ngone - YouTube
