Characteristics of believers and Atheists

All I need to know about you or anyone else worth communicating on this forum is one thing, and it’s a very simple question, how many genders are there?

Pray tell who is ‘our’?

Could it possibly be President Trump and his administration? Surely not.

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How many do you want? My buddy Howie will wear fish-net stockings if it pleases you.

Is this based on a dress code?

Well, to answer that question, just look at how well the states run by democrats have done this past year. Or you could ask nancy (chocolate ice-cream) pelosi why she held up the last relief bill for all of those months, it wasn’t out of spite was it?

Seriously though - one.

During early development the gonads of the fetus remain undifferentiated; that is, all fetal genitalia are the same and are phenotypically female.

Don’t like that answer? Read the link.

I love the dodge, duck and divert.

Dodge the claim of “Stolen Election” without evidence.

Duck the topic by “genders”…

Divert to Pelosi and the Democratic States (conveniently leaving out Republican). Isn’t a President hold office over ALL States or is that something dRumpsters don’t “believe” in???


Besides closing our borders to outside countries, and developing a vaccine in 9 months when all the “experts” said it would 2 years, what else can one man do against a global pandemic? What else should he have done?

Biologically I think that would be two, possibly three, because there are recorded instances of hermaphrodites being born.

In terms of sexual identification, I really don’t know. Not a question I’ve spent any time thinking about. Why is it important to you? Are you insecure about your own sexuality? Would you like a list to help you make a choice? :innocent:

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It’s better than 63, our what ever number the libtards are quoting now.

You seem to have lost the plot. Your initial statement was

To which I replied

And your response was

So I will attempt to get the train back on the tracks.

Are you going to blame the response on the liberals too?

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Trump left it up to each state to make their own rules regarding covid.

Name the fucking doctors who developed it - hahaha

And the research area that it was built upon… oh and how many participates for the stage 2 studies…

If you think this has anything to do with it,
I’ll rest my case:

Yah - and Canada keeps saying NO.

Got the link or is this a straw man you’re arguing against?

Uh… I don’t know :woman_shrugging:t2: poor
Poor widdle Donnie :baby:t3:

No other world leaders could figure it out either -
Such a biggly great problem that no one knew what to do… shakes head

Maybe he could have:
Not called it a hoax and took it serious much sooner?
Not repeatedly said it would disappear?
Worn a mask and encouraged others to do so?
Not held rallies and parties that spread the virus?
Not promoted insane remedies, like injecting bleach?

Not all of them are. I’ve met atheistic flat-earthers. There are also atheistic religions by the way, for example Buddhism. They arent very intelligent, among one of their many rituals they have a feast with demons and spirits. Not very intelligent is it?

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Do you understand that the moment the world realized we were in for a nasty pandemic, every major biotech company went “all hands on deck” and devoted their full resources to wards finding a vaccine? Do you understand that was all the motivation any corporation required, to be the first to roll out the vaccine?

The sole contribution that came from Trump was the quick and efficient plan to distribute the vaccine. Oh wait,“Operation Warp Speed” is a disaster.

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AND Canada left it “up to the Provinces” -
Still is.

…you’re point for his lack of leadership is…???

That’s okay, your answer is closer than most. Gender and sexual- identification are not the same. You can pretend to be any one or anything you like, but you cannot force me or anyone else to pretend along with you. There’s nothing special about you. Facts don’t care about your feelings.
Thanks for your concern, if I have any questions about my “gender”, I could always ask my wife, or our 2 kids, or one of our 4 grandkids.