Characteristics of believers and Atheists

I’m trying my best mun…


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Sorry if I caused milk or tea to spew out of your nostrils when you read that. :wink:

Believing in a god is just like believing in BIGFOOT. It’s up to you to prove that he does exist. It’s not my job to prove that he doesn’t exist.

Like Richard Spencer who is an atheist that believes in the white genocide conspiracy .

Richard Spencer is an icon for white supremacists .

Spencer also regretted that he voted for Donald Trump .


Importance of not “throwing your hat” into a group identity.

Can you imagine the damage a guy like this could do if he achieved the political sway and “cult of personality”?

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Yes Richard Spencer is sadistic and insane he even abuse his wife .

Isn’t there a contradiction between neo-nazi and atheist? It’s the “Positive Christianity” of the Nazi party that asserts the White Arian race is God’s chosen people and it’s non-trinarian basis that makes it an affront to trinarian theists. Would a Neo-nazi party allow a member in it who did not believe in God?

Preaching Hate with the Voice of God: American Neo‐Nazis and Christian Identity” I generally identify the neo-nazi movement as a white Christian extremist movement.

Me too Cog…plus the leaps in logic disregarding evolution and species to arrive at a “white supremacy”.

Me thinks could be using an “atheist” label :label: as a bolster for “credibility” in his logical skills?

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Correct, just as it’s up to Trump to prove his risible lies about electoral fraud, and not up to anyone else to disprove them


Welcome. From sunny South Australia. I hope you enjoy your stay here.

Although I think that claim describes most of the people here, it’s not a general principle I’m able to support.

Meeting only one stupid/irrational atheist blows that claim out of the water.

Australia is one of the most secular nations on earth. Here it’s considered rude to ask a stranger about their religious beliefs. Happy clappers and other dropkicks wear their belief on their sleeve. EG loud exclamations of "PRAISE THE LORD!!! are a bit of a hint.

Generally speaking ,one can’t usually tell about a person’s religious beliefs from their behaviour until after knowing them for some.

My life experience has shown that atheists are only normal people, with everything that implies. We just happen not to believe in god(s) That clearly has nothing to do with reason or intelligence. If it did, we would not be in a minority of 13 million world wide.

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His lawyers have substantial proof, hundreds of sworn affidavits,video of fraud in atlanta, the refusing of observers in getting into the centers during the “recount”, it’s all out there to see. But every judge in this country doesn’t want to be the first to challenge the results, they’re all cowards. Refusing to look at the evidence because of lack of “standing” isn’t the same as saying there is no evidence, they’re just too afraid to actually look at it. The SCOTUS is being lead by a RINO that is a traitor to his own party, and a coward for refusing to even look at the evidence.
You got what you want(by cheating), but if you think AMERICA is going to be better off now than we were before this pandemic bullshit happened, you’re dead wrong. You’re not going to like what’s about to happen. Careful what you wish for.

P.S., why does everything on this site become political? I thought this was a place for atheists, not gender-neutral, non-binary, soy latte’ drinking, soft-handshake,video-game playing, children in adult bodies libtards? Just wondering.

Actually I followed pretty much the major lawsuits and posted court transcripts here. Feel free to examine it. And the “claims” you believe were presented to the judges.

Anyone can file an affidavit. Those did not meet court levels for “evidence” (some were fucking hilarious). A person’s belief of what happened isn’t evidence (nor is it eyewitness testimony or testimony backed by other evidenced). It’s a sworn statement. Watch Judge Judy. They all take an oath and file affidavits and lie.

Uh - what is your understanding of the legal term “standing”? Also saying a person is “Not Guilty” is not the same as saying they are “innocent”.

The SCOTUS - lol!!! This is funny :laughing: Not one dissenting voice. Not even Amy. BTW they can dissent and have their opinion recorded. They are far from cowards, asshole. There is NO EVIDENCE of a STOLEN election…THAT is a claim. Un-evidenced.
Lol - you sound like theists mad that I don’t accept the “bible” as evidence for their fucked up claims.

Ohhhh - :open_mouth: big boy - tat threats! Fuck you dipshit. I’m a fucking red-neck - bring it on. I’d love it :heart_eyes:

Shoot your gun!!! It seems it’s the only thing that shoots!!!


Wonder no more. We are all slavering commies coming for you and you god given murican freedoms and we will be insisting on universal healthcare and secular schooling (oh the horror) regardless of race creed and political affiliation, that is, unless you are a Trumpista. In which case we will import vials of Socialist Norwegian virus specifically designed to attack your profits and orange makeup importers.

Oh, and BTW your ridiculous evidence was thrown out by more than 50 courts because there was NO EVIDENCE OFFERED of any wrongdoing. Only a couple of court cases involved “No Standing” which is a verdict you should look up to get its meaning instead of whingeing about it on an ATHEIST website.


Even in a court, when a judge asked Rudy, he admitted it was not about evidence.

Please understand, this is all rhetoric and complaining with absolutely NOTHING to back it up.


Your insults reveal a lot about your level of knowledge and attitude.

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If you really feel threatened by a statement like that, then I don’t know what to say. It’s simply a statement about what is going to happen as long as that senile, racist, and corrupt moron and his partner" heels-up harris" are running this country. AMERICA is not going to get better in the next 2 years.The republicans have to get the majority back in the Senate or in Congress or our freedoms and our rights are going down the shitter.

Well you got that wrong.

Read some threads and you will find a wide range of topics posted. What you are unlikely to see is discussion of anyone’s sexuality. I don’t because it’s none of my business and I really don’t care about what others do with their genitalia.

Nor are you likely to see many with the kind of ignorant bigotry you have been posting. At least not for long. Such drop kicks tend not to have a good time here.

Oh, I’m sorry was that just you being sarcastic again? I’m far too far way from knowing you well enough to tell. Until that unlikely event, I’ll continue to take you on face value.

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Well they can always show domestic terrorists round the Capitol building properly next time…that would work…oh, wait…


The pandemic isn’t bullshit, our response has been.

Are you going to blame the response on the liberals too?