Can any theist answer this?

But that is precisely what you are stating. Magic made it appear.

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Regarding your definition, you’ve just given “nothing”, something thereby it is no longer nothing.

BTW, “nothing” (again impossible to imagine) has not been “found” in the universe, nor tested… in other words this “idea” doesn’t exist in reality.

This word began you use often as though it has some form of explanatory meaning when it comes to the universe.

For instance, it’s use is from our perspective of understanding.
i began to realize seasons when I was about 5 yrs old, as a cycle
Does this mean that seasons were not cyclical before I began to understand?

Mankind understood, eventually, what began a baby… does this mean before our understanding (which in itself has grown) babies did not “begin” through the chemical processes from their parents?

So cosmologists have determined and evidenced as far back as to the time/space/expansion/temperatures etc of our known universe.

With your use of “began”, this is the “began”. There is no evidence of “nothing”. As of yet, there is no evidence of this “before”. This is why some “theists” will move into the universe is god and then go so far as to give the universe a “mind”.

Here we go… the first word (God) has no meaning in this universe. A more accurate wording is…

The singularity is a unique happening with the potential to create and bring things into existence through space/time/fluctuations/expansions/reactions (between various forms of energy and chemicals, etc). Therefore, it is not the case of something magically appearing from nothing.

The potential is accurate because we don’t know how often this occurred before our known universe, whether it occurs outside our known universe, resulting in other universes… etc.

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I agree, nothing is a human concept. You can’t measure it because it doesn’t exist. Also, do all of you atheists believe the universe is finite?

Absolutely no idea. For myself, I with-hold belief in god until demonstrable evidence of its existence is provided.

I can’t speak for others, mind you we had a thread and many on here have the same standard for evidence; especially based on the claim.

Quite frankly, I don’t know whether the universe is finite or infinite, I just follow and am convinced by the evidence provided thus far. Make sense?

I mean, the universe may be “finite” based on energy calculations, but again, there is the question of “dark matter”…so I’m open to more scientific discovery.

That is such an ill defined question. I think I could make an argument for either, depending on the details.

Go ask a physicist. We are atheists, and the only identifier for us is a lack of belief in a god.

I dont know. Do all of you theists think that Allah is god and Muhammed his prophet?

Yes, I do believe that theirs only one god (Allah) and Mohamed is the messenger of God. Do you atheists agree with me that either the universe is finite or infinite? It has to be one of these 2.

Go ask a cosmologist or physicist. We are atheists, and our sole defining characteristic is a lack of belief in a god.

You haven’t even told us in what way it is supposed to be (or not supposed to be?) infinite.

  1. Infinite volume?
  2. Infinite age?
  3. Infinite length?
  4. Infinite something else?

You’d think this would be part of the original question.

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Hahahaha - as though you know the answer to this question…

Infinite patience?

Google search…

Simple, easy to understand…

Not an answer to my question. I knew you had comprehension difficulties. Try reading slowly. Your personal delusion is illuminating but irrelevant.

No, no it doesn’t. Look up false dichotomy. YOU DO NOT KNOW WHAT IT COULD BE - I certainly do not know, but ALL atheists? I have no clue what they think.

Your imprecise language and imprecise questions show your comprehension skills to be very poor. Your championing of the the completely debunked Kalam argument and amateurishly trying to hide it behind your smokescreen of verbiage and nonsense questions shows a contempt for your audience who have, in the main replied patiently to your obvious biases.


You are playing an alliteration game with the words “Universe” and “come from nothing.” AS STATED FOR THE NTH TIME…

The universe as we know it formed from the expansion of a singularity. We currently know nothing about the singularity. It may be eternal, it may be caused, it may be something as yet completely unknown. Physics breaks down at Planck time.

Along with this is the idea of the “cosmos” about which we know nothing. If you are using the word “Universe” to include “cosmos,” you are merely playing word games.

Define your terms and try again or just go to a fucking Cosmology Chat Room and ply your nonsense there.,cosmology

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Thanks for the advice, I should work on my comprehension skills.

I agree with you. It may be eternal or it may be caused. Tell me, how am I playing an alliteration game with the words universe and come from nothing.:face_with_monocle:

When was the kalam argument debunked, I would like to know. I’m glad that they replied patiently to my questions. Also when I was asking do all of you atheists believe the universe is infinite or finite, I was referring to you guys, not all atheists. I should’ve clarified my question my apologies.