Why what? You claimed lying was always bad, I offered an example where I thought it was not, and you agreed, thus your claim was wrong even by your own subjective moral standard, and your original claim (lying is always bad) is a subjective one, not objective truth as you had asserted.
So it follows that hatred does not always lead to immoral acts, as you keep claiming, thus your claim is demonstrably wrong even by your own subjective moral standard. Furthermore, whatever emotion you cite as the cause, the claim the result is moral or immoral always rests on a subjective opinion. Unless you can demonstrate it is objectively true that hating child abuse is moral or immoral? Give it a shot, and see if you can do it without making a subjective claim.
All you offered was a subjective claim, ipso facto it is a subjective opinion. However if you think you can demonstrate that it is objectively true that causing suffering is immoral, then please do so, I am dubious.
I can’t, can you then? If so I am wondering why you’ve not done so already?
On the contrary, I do state unequivocally that I think it is wrong. What I cannot do is demonstrate that the claim genocide is wrong, is objectively true, without resorting to a subjective claim, but again if you think you can please do so, as so far you have in every instance resorted to subjective claims.
I don’t care what motivates it, and I am dubious about your claim as well, but these are irrelevant. Focus on the relevant fact that you have failed to show that anything is objectively immoral or moral without ultimately resting the claim on a subjective opinion. Do you imagine I have not tried this myself?
Irrelevant, as each time you cite an immoral act (you claim those emotions) must cause, it is a subjective opinion that they are immoral acts, you have not demonstrated that it is objectively true that the results of those emotions can only cause immoral acts, so the claim the results were immoral, would remain a subjective one, but again please do demonstrate otherwise.
That is a subjective opinion, not objective evidence. I am also dubious that your conclusion follows from your premise, and have offered counter examples to refute this, but it’s irrelevant, since the claim remains a subjective one. You are teetering on a circular argument.
Try addressing the fact that you cannot objectively evidence that divine law exist, thus using a word that means it has been violated is meaningless.
What a spectacularly stupid claim? I can only hope this is levity?
That remains a subjective claim, why do you subjectively (thus far) believe those motives always immoral? I have also demonstrated this subjective reasoning is facile and the results are relative. I hate fascism, why is that immoral in your opinion?
I absolutely can, you would just hold a different opinion, now can you demonstrate any objective evidence to support your claim without teetering over into the circular reasoning fallacy you’re heading for?
To what end? I don’t have enough information.
Killing a child abuser, it might be, I can’t say, I would need more context. You see morals claims as well as being subjective are relative. Since I might think killing a child abuser might be moral in one context, but immoral in another.
Indeed, since laws are objective, but morality is not. The nazis passed paws that would likely have been at odds with my subjective morality.
Morality is defined as “principles concerning the distinction between right and wrong or good and bad behaviour.”
That a subjective claim, and a dubious one, love can describe a very complex range of emotions, the resulting actions are equally complex, your reasoning is again facile and bordering on a circular reasoning fallacy. Many people loved Hitler, and fascism, was this (in your opinion) moral then?
Of course it can, since morality is complex, unless one is a moral automaton, blindly following a set of doctrines, then yes if one considers the consequences of one’s actions, then one might absolutely commit an act they consider moral in that context, and still be bothered by it. your reasoning is again a facile, a black and white or right and wrong blinkered view of morality.
If you could save ten lives only by switching some rail tracks to divert a runaway rail cart, but it must unavoidably kill one life as a result would you do it? Either answer would bother me, and I can see the morality in both positions.
Not necessarily, their conscience might be clear because they consider the act a moral one, the man who regrets it might go on to do it again and again. You are trying to apply a facile either or rationale to a very complex subject, thus it is doomed to have you repeating the same errors in reasoning we see you making here over and over.
You are putting your wheezy clapped out old pony behind your cart ratty. A conscience depends on one’s moral perspective, it is therefore both subjective and relative.
a person’s moral sense of right and wrong, viewed as acting as a guide to one’s behaviour.
Your conscience does not magically cause morality, it is derived from it.
Isn’t that taking a subjective thing (motive) and trying to define an objective thing? (morality) I don’t think it works like that.
That sounds nice, but I don’t think that is true. What about acts inspired by neither love or hatred. Would they be amoral?
It seems you are trying to make a black/white issue out of something that is not
I see lots of problems trying to deal with folks with low levels of empathy. For them many immoral acts would be moral.
That might sound like I am advocating for a objective morality - I am not. But folks who with hyper-empathy would have a different opinion about what is moral and what is not.
Why is the new qualified claim still subjective. You state these things. You don’t explain them. I have no idea what the statement “your new qualified claim is subjective.” Means.
Yes. True. When a lie is motivated by love or compassion it is not necessarily bad. I may have been wrong about that.
Compassion and love are not subjective. They exist in the way a sound exists. Our minds create them out of our environment. They are “subjective” in the sense that they are privy to a “subject” (an “observer”). They are objective to the degree that people don’t hear via different methods. Ie. we all hear things because we all have ears. To the extent that our ears are superior or inferior, our perception of sound is inferior or superior. Our perception of love or compassion is no different.
I don’t believe you. You’re making things up. Prove it’s subjective.
What is stopping you from declaring a motive for genocide as “wrong”? Why is your opinion “subjective”?
Every motive for genocide is conditioned by hatred, greed, ignorance or some combination of those three. That is the objective standard by which we can judge it to be “wrong”.
What is subjective about hatred, greed, or ignorance? Where do you think they originate from?
What good can come of hatred?
If you can’t explain what is subjective about it I can’t reply.
You know divine law exists. You know what “divine” means and you know what “law” means. I don’t have to explain it to you.
Words have meaning, Sheldon. Do you not know what “divine” means?
What good has ever come of hatred?
To what end? No end. Just out of hatred. Would you kill out of hatred? To appease and satisfy your hatred? Would you kill a child abuser?
You’re kidding … laws are completely 100% arbitrary - man made - subjective.
Morality was hard baked into us from birth.
They loved Hitler because he hated others. The root cause of their love was hatred. So, no. It was not moral. Nor was fascism. The core ideology of fascism was hatred and ignorance. The love of hatred is not moral.
And everything else which follows was not addressed to you. Do we not have enough fodder to work with? Can I not carry on a conversation with another person here?
I’m a little turned on to be honest. Your possessiveness is very masculine. If I can’t be yours, I can’t be anyone else’s.
It was a bare opinion without any objective evidence, that’s what subjective means? Here:
You’ve offered nothing beyond your bare opinion, ipso facto it is a subjective claim.
Your claim those emptions always result in moral or good actions is a subjective claim, unless you can offer something more than the claim.
Nothing I did it right in that post? Same reason yours is, I cannot demonstrate that the claim is objectively true without resting it on subjective claims.
Why is genocide wrong?
Now answer that without making a subjective claim, if you can.
You have simply repeated your subjective claim? Why is genocide bad, if you can’t demonstrate this without resting it on a subjective claim, then the motives are irrelevant. That you can make objectively true statements about how best to achieve or avoid X, does not make X moral or immoral, that rests on subjective opinion.
Good and bad are subjective, you’re focusing on the wrong part of your claim. Demonstrate that something, anything, is bad or good, without ultimately resting it on a subjective opinion.
I have explained it every time? You are offering a bare claim certain emotions are bad and other good, but you cannot objectively demonstrate that anything is good or bad without resting it on a subjective opinion.
Genocide is bad, demonstrate why, anything beyond subjective claims. hatred can never have a good result, why, offer anything beyond the bare claim, that does not ultimately rest on a subjective opinion.
I know no such thing, and it is demonstrably untrue that knowing the definition of a word, remotely makes what it defines objectively real.
I know what mermaid means, this doesn’t mean they are objectively real, if you can demonstrate the existence of divine law get on with it.
How do you know anything is good? I can only answer your question with my own subjective moral views. You are making a subjective claim that certain emotions must always be bad, this is of course facile nonsense, but the word bad itself requires a subjective view.
Give me one example of something that is objectively good or bad, and if it doesn;t rest on a subjective opinion I will be convinced.
At any given time or place, it is objectively true that something is legal or illegal, we can demonstrate this with objective evidence. No one has yet demonstrated that anything is good or bad without ultimately resting their claims on a subjective opinion. You can’t here, as i have asked you to do so repeatedly, and you just repeat your subjective claims about certain emotions always have the same result, failing to notice that it is your subjective opinion the result is good or bad.
Quod erat demonstrandum, even by your own subjective standard love is not always moral.
Why is hatred immoral ratty? Can you answer without resting the claim on a subjective opinion?
Why? Demonstrate this to be objectively true without resting it on a subjective opinion.
I ask again then:
Please demonstrate that anything is objectively bad or objectively good? Something that does not rest solely on a subjective opinion.
You need to understand that I might agree with a subjective moral claim, but this does not make it objectively true, like people agreeing apples taste nicer than oranges, no amount of people sharing this opinion would make it objectively true. No amount of people sharing the opinion that genocide is immoral, makes the claim objectively true.
Every person perceives colors differently. Plus there are some languages that don’t have words for certain colors that other languages have.
Further, while there is an objective way to look at colors (wavelength), a person can only see a small fraction of spectrum. We can’t see ultraviolet and infrared. But we can make detectors so we humans can “see” wavelengths beyond what we call “visible light”.
Ya see, as soon as we insert a human into the process, it becomes subjective.
Motives are even worse. Not only can a person have more than one motive, but it’s possible that an act has no motive - that it is purely an act or a reaction.
If an act is not inspired by love or hate, it sits outside a moral framework. It just exists. It only becomes moral or immoral when someone evaluates it - and that someone could be a person not committing that act. That makes the act subjective.
Well I am happy to learn I am wrong, as it advances my small knowledge pool, but unless someone can cite a moral claim that doesn’t ultimately rest on a subjective opinion, it seems to me that morality is ultimately subjective.
Most often what I have seen presented is a form of false equivalence, someone will assert it is objectively true that X causes suffering, and is therefore immoral, failing to realise that the idea that causing suffering is immoral is itself not objectively true, though it is of course a subjective opinion I share.
In order to see that morality must be relative, one need only look at the way human morality evolves from place to place and over time, and changing circumstances. For example @rat_spit above said “morality does not apply to war”, and while this is itself a subjective rather than an objective claim, it clearly indicates he himself understands that morality is relative.