Bible thumping biblical literalists thumping their bibles and how to counter their arguments?

Welcome to Atheist Republic alpshare, I hope you enjoy yourself in here.

Why does any blame fall on Eve? She was just following “god’s plan”.

This assumed god is supposed to be all powerful and all-knowing, thus is knew the instant it created this world that this god knew exactly how things would play out. Yet it still allowed Eve to taste the fruit and condemn all women to a life of guilt and pain? And second class status.

And there is also the “tiny” detail of the assumption of the account in Genesis being historically correct.



Firstly, evolution is a fact.

Secondly, using your myth of choice, it was Adam who fucked it up. Sin entered humanity through him, not her. It was a perfect “male” that needed to balance the scales - not a female.

“Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all people, because all sinned……” (Romans 5:12).

Um… Why in the fuck would you give an all knowing, omnipotent, omnipresent, omni God, a free pass? Admittedly the asshole is a backstabbing moron who can’t get a fucking thing right and he proves that in book after book after book of the Bible. Why in the hell would he create a woman who listened to him. Of course the moron fucked up. He could have created an obedient, loving, woman who followed his every word. Out of all the infinate possibilities, he created (he elected to create) and put in his Godly plan, the one woman who would disobey him. From what I have read of the Christian god, the fucktard did it intentionally just to fuck with people. Eve was a victim of her creation. Either that, or there isn’t a fucking asshole god who is fucking with everyone and the whole thing is a made up story. I’m not seeing any middle ground here. The Christian god is a fucking asshole and he is fucking with the world as a part of his Godly plan, or, it’s just a bunch of shit.

Welcome to the site… Have fun and don’t believe anything the Tin Man tells you. That fucker is High On Eggnog. 2 week old eggnog at this point.


Awww, fuck David… I thought I came up with that on my own. Sneaky little garden elf can’t be trusted.

Pisses me off. That’s what I get for not reading the other posts first.

Cog, this is one of the themes I have been playing lately, that this god has a plan, and therefore prayer is an affront to this god and all accountability falls on this god

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But SkyDictator factored praying into the plan - so goes the logic of some, in my experience. The means by which things happen were preordained as much as the events themselves!

So pray away; it was meant to be when Skyfather breathed into man’s nostrils the breath of life. But don’t, because it won’t change things. But do. But then maybe don’t…

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Howdy, Alp. Welcome to the AR. Good to see new faces around here. Uh, real quick before I address your remark, just a little something you should know. If Cog approaches you asking if you want to smell his rolling pin, immediately turn and run away. It’s for your own good. Anyway, about Eve and God…

Hmmm… :thinking:… Let’s seeee… An all-knowing/all-powerful god that created the ENTIRE UNIVERSE decides to put his two pet humans in a tiny garden area on a speck of dust planet in a remote region of one of a few billion galaxies within the cosmos. Uh, okay. And keep in mind his two pets are totally innocent and naive and have NO KNOWLEDGE of right/wrong, good/evil, danger/harm, because that is how this god INTENTIONALLY made them. So far so good, right? Now, this all-knowing/all-powerful god is such a fucking genius that he decides, “Ya know what? I’m gonna create a Tree of Knowledge and place it right smack in the middle of this perfect garden where I keep my two pets. And it will be easily available to them without any security whatsoever. Sure, it will be devastating to them if they should happen to eat the delicious fruit that grows on it, but that’s no big deal. I’ll simply tell them they will die if they eat it. That should keep them away. Granted, they have zero concept of death or anything like that, but that’s no excuse if they disobey me. And, yes, I ALREADY KNOW the female pet will be tempted to eat the fruit by the evil serpent I created and allowed into the garden, but how is that MY fault? Well, thinking about it, I do suppose I could put that tree somewhere else far away from them. But, dang-it, look how pretty it is sitting there. It really ties the garden together. Nope, the tree stays. Guess my two pets will just have to suffer the consequences of the actions I already know they will take.”

So how, exactly, was that Eve’s fault?


In this fairy tale, I think the deity with limitless power and knowledge, who placed the fucking fruit he expressly didn’t want touched, right in harms way, is probably the most culpable character.


Gosh, it doesn’t sound like this god is very good at creating women. Oh well, it could be worse, he could have put our very sensitive reproductive organs at a vulnerable place where they’re always in danger of being kicked up our nose.


It’s like laying a loaded pistol out onto the coffee table when there’s a toddler running around rampant that is into everything. Obviously, it’s going to handle the gun and that’s just not a wise thing to do.

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Prayer makes no difference. The creator god knew you were going to pray and already knows how everything turns out whether or not he answers the prayer. He can not change his mind.

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. [Hebrews 13:8]

“For I the Lord do not change; therefore you, O children of Jacob, are not consumed. [Malachi 3:6]

You can not make a decision outside of God’s plan. …6 Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. 7 And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered.
[Luke 12:7]

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Oh I don’t know. :grin:

Of course he made a royal fuck up of the ex wife, but even an omnipotent omniscient deity is only…well let’s just say she was hard fucking work. :sunglasses:


In another forum multiple theist are trying to explain to the hapless heathen (me), that god is not responsible for suffering.

All facts are to no avail on them. I explained that if a human bred dogs, selecting only the largest and most aggressive, that the result would be both predictable and inevitable. That if that same human, released the resulting dog in a children’s playground, the result would be equally predictable and inevitable.

However, in such a scenario, would anyone bs so stupid, as to think the dog was more culpable for the result than the dog breeder?

The answer was and I’m quoting verbatim…

Oh so you atheists think god is responsible for sin, that’s just childish.



Toss them back this one … “And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 8:3


I suspect most theists resort to such tactics when their backs are against the wall for a simple reason.

Deep down inside, they know that when common sense is applied, their position is indefensible.


Why did he put the amusement park right next door to a waste treatment plant?

Like lying, deflecting, and making more claims to justify over and over why they believe and why we Atheists are wrong, wrong, wrong, & wrong? That’s not a debate or them being open that they could be the ones who are wrong.

This is a very confusing statement. How can an atheist be wrong about anything if the atheist is not making a claim? Why would an atheist make a claim without first gathering facts to support the claim? What assertion do you imagine an atheist is making by not believing in God. If I am an atheist, and I don’t believe in God, how can I possibly be wrong? Is the theist asserting that I actually do believe in a god? The only claim I have made is that “I don’t believe in God or gods.” How can that possibly be challenged. How can that possibly be a lie? Who is in a better position to understand my beliefs, the theist or me? The assertion that I am lying is nonsensical.