Atheist Forums Study -- Survey

I believe birds come from magic banana seeds that fall to the ground and cover themselves with earth. Have you ever seen a magic banana seed? Of course not. That’s because they are magic. And they grow on banana trees, And they make little birdies.

Uggggh I don’t like whining, That goes double for whining while at work. The only whining that should be allowed is whining about whining, like I’m doing now. That there is no commandment against against whining proves there is no god…in my opinion of course :slightly_smiling_face: .


I think I understand what you are saying. It often seems to me the only way to believe this stuff, is if you already believe it! Disturbing to say the least.

On a tangent, I often like to speculate that this is the purpose of apologists. Not to convince the unconvinced; but to keep the convinced, convinced!


Done. Luck to your endeavour!