Atheist Dishonesty of "Evidence"

I hope you two don’t live in one of those states where you can take your AR15 to work. You could be shot as a godless meanie.

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Best way to go… :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :sunglasses:


To see what the loons in question are capable of, look up the murder of Larry Hooper.

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Just to be clear, the guy who murdered him for being an atheist was Shelton…not Sheldon… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

S’all I’m saying…

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I made no mention of him deliberately for the obvious reasons :slight_smile:

However, Arthur Shelton was a crackpot, and a dangerous one at that. He also had a gaggle of associates who engaged in egregious behaviour in court that the judge apparently didn’t think warranted intervention.

Though to the judge’s credit, he did hand down a sentence of 45 to life.


I still know people that refer to atheists as “godless commies”. In their mind, anyone not believing in god must be a communist.

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Another of the venomous legacies of Senator McCarthy …