Are you morbid like me?

Jaws was fun when it came to music. I remember singing out the tones at the most inappropriate times. (Da dump … Da dump… Da dump - da dump - da dump.) Fun movie. But then I was a surfer and could tell the difference between a shark fin and a dolphin’s fin at 50 yards. What a great tune. Now I can’t get it out of my head.

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There’s an Exorcist sequel in theaters here now if you haven’t heard, The Exorcist: Believer. I think I’ll wait to see it when it starts streaming somewhere. The trailer really didn’t suck me in. Ellen Burstyn and Linda Blair do reprise their roles from the original film.

You said:

I didn’t quote you nor did I claim to have done, I just took that to mean you had a general disinterest in stories and movies about ghosts or demons and so on. Sorry to have upset you so much.

Insane, some movies don’t remake well and this is one of them. They remade Assault on Precinct 13 too and that was a joke, the original was a classic and reflects the times when it was made - the mid 70s.

A few days ago I mentioned the most terrifying film ever made, so here it is, here’s a clip, if you’ve never seen this then beware, it is extremely disturbing to some people.

The protagonist - a victim of WW1 injuries - has no arms, no legs, is blind and deaf, with no power of speech as a result of an attack he fell victim to.

:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: my bet??? You fucking bet he’d tell you to his face. Cog doesn’t say things behind your back or on a keyboard that he wouldn’t say straight up to you in person.


Well my little anti-social Pan-troglodyte friend, as I said to you earlier:

Like I said, you’re a coward, all hot air, stamping your little feet, beating your chest, rattling your little saber and thinking anyone gives a shit; I bet you’re a real obnoxious Karen type too.

You fucking serious? I mean fucking fuck really? that’s fucking amazingly fucked up man, I mean fucking hell, fuck.

Stop taking shit to mean shit it does not mean. You are a liar. You do this in every single post you write. False analogies, obfuscation of facts, bullshit assertions. I also gave you a very long list of movies once enjoyed. You could also use the whole quote and not just part of it…

**** I grew up on this silliness. Wolfman, The Frankenstein monster, Invisible Man, Creature from the Black Lagoon, The Blob, Tingler, The Thing, and more. My favorite shows growing up were Seymore, Moona Lisa, Chiller, Twilight Zone, One Step Beyond, and so many more. They have all gone the way of the bible. I don’t believe in spirits, mystical shit, souls, curses, magic, or anything supernatural.****
Obviously, this shows a keen interest in the supernatural from a child’s perspective. Children fear things that go bump in the night and don’t have the tools to separate fantasy from reality. A bit like you.

From Anton Levey to Carlos Castaneda, Jane Roberts, to G.I.Gurdjieff. From chakras to crystal magic, pyramid power, lucid dreaming, and OBEs, I have been a student of the schools of mysticism. I would even say, that is how I ended up with my degrees in psychology. One by one the magical systems crumbled before rational observation and inquiry. From Buddhism to Krishna Consciousness, from Taoism to Hinduism, and all the isms in between, nothing has held up to rational thought and critical inquiry. Nothing. And the Christian fairy tale is no different.


You’re lying again, you can’t help it can you.

Multiple posters have tried to make you see how dishonest your assertions and arguments have been, you have rounded on them all with insult and angry threats to end the discourse with them, maybe you could try to learn that your own attitude is culpable for how you are treated.


LOL… Nothing but gameplay from you … You think you will get a rise out of me by calling me a liar. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha… I am the biggest liar on the site. I swim in shit and eat dead cats. What in the fuck are you going to say to me to get a rise out of me? You are a liar, and you have shown it over and over and over again. You have no defense. You don’t know how to read other people’s posts and respond rationally to the points they have made. You are dishonest and irrational, and I have believed from day one… nothing but a troll. I can’t imagine someone to be as ignorant as you pretend to be.


It doesn’t take very much actually. Disagreeing seems to lead to a “fuck you” proving you wrong too is sure to get your hackles up and the schoolyard cursing underway.

I want nothing from you, I have said repeatedly that uncivil language should not be tolerated by the mods. They disagree obviously and see what happens? civil discourse goes out the window and name calling and bullying and abuse take its place.

I just think things should be equitable, calling someone a “liar” when you disagree with them is for children not adults. It is an insult, it literally mean I intentionally made a knowing false statement in order to further some objective.

So fuck you monkey face, you insult me over and over then I’m going to give right back.

Not for a week he’s not :smirk:


Nonsense, lying repeatedly in a debate when it is blatant and obvious is what kills rational discourse, it’s clear you think some faux nod to civil language that ignores such dishonesty is how debate should be conducted, but one of the things I like about this site is that dishonesty is not tolerated, and people are called on their argument and assertions.

No it doesn’t, a lie need not involve intent, and that was explained already, but you have intentionally lied. So that excuse won’t gain you much sympathy.

That’s…not very Christian of you. What would Jesus think?

Poor guy. Does anyone really believe he is for real? I find it challenging to engage in civil discourse when I am consistently misquoted, misrepresented, followed into unrelated discussions, and found to be ‘puzzling,’ and when my points are disregarded.

Somebody had to speak up… I just assumed it was my turn. I’m a bad little monkey.

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There, there. Here, have a banana. :banana:

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I’m not falling for that one again! Put the banana back in your pocket, I am not touching it.

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What about strawberries? :strawberry: Blueberries? :blueberries: Cherries? :cherries: A sweet softdrink? :cup_with_straw: Come on, I know you want it!

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