Are the limits to human knowledge

He’s not joking. And stop calling him Shirley.


Well. He was being randy so I thought I’d put him in his place.

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My place? I HAVE A PLACE?? :face_holding_back_tears:

You are the Earl of my heart. :heart:

Well, we all know he can be a bit of a Richard sometimes for reasons known only to him. Although, as this thread title suggests, there may very well be limits to what we can truly know. (See what I did there? Just trying to stay relevant to the thread topic. :innocent:)

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This makes more sense than anything I have ever read, heard, or thought…and that disturbs me immeasurably.

Edit Those who know don’t say, and those who say don’t know

I don’t say it enough, Tin. But you’re a hull of a guy!

Hmmm… :thinking:… That could explain that hollow “thump” echo sound whenever I bump my hip on the kitchen counter. But - hey - what do I know?.. (shrugging shoulders)…