Addiction: this topic carried from other thread

I do believe that. He was given plenty of chances to repudiate his statements (which are at the very least obvious violations of the old AR rules) but all he did was throw more insults. Now that he’s been around awhile and people are starting to become friendly; he’s looking here for support: it is the perfect time to remind him all fucking alt-right, misogynistic, conspiracy theorist mud he has slung here. Maybe he will even repudiate some of it, but I’d wager against it.

I hope things work out for his younger female family member. I hope the people of the world have more respect for her than mr.macabre has for women in general. It would be nice if we could get people to treat random women with the respect they expect others to show for their female family members. What do you think mr.macabre would do if someone insinuated his niece/daughter/whatever got to where ever they happen to be in life by sleeping with men for favors? Fuck him.