A God Can Neither Be Proved Nor Disproved

I doubt there is anything after death, I don’t believe we have anything to fear. Nothingness no more consciousness we are just plain gone.

Like a computer which has been shut down the last time it’ll ever be used. Never being used again, it is in many ways a win win situation.

We live long enough and are smart enough to grasp life by the short hairs and wring out every second of fun and good times as we desire. We are also capable of finding and returning love and other positive emotions. If we choose to.


I choose to too. And am trying to have as fun a life as possible. This maybe the only run I get so I want to make it a good one.

Good point. I went for the completely crazy, random person on the internet telling other random people that visit these forums that they owe me 1 million dollars. And STILL it is more plausible then any of the god ideas I heard of, simply because someone owing someone else 1 million dollars has happened before. It has been objectively evidenced. Making a random person owing another random person 1 million dollars infinitely more plausible then the various god ideas.


Theists can not prove any of their assertions, yet you can prove that money and debt are real.