A couple Theists On Here But Only One Type Of Us

You are WRONG! Why do you insist on saying this when I have demonstrated many forms of evidence in my posts. YOU ARE JUST WRONG!

You have no ability to know anything at all about "after life’. You have no ability at all to know anything at all, after death. Stop making stupid assertions.

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First, it’s true that there isn’t sufficient evidence to prove a god exists, but more than that there’s no reason to believe that one might exist. Think about this scenario: You find yourself on a planet that is identical to this Earth in every way, and the people even speak English. But no one on that planet has ever heard of gods - they don’t even have the concept. In conversation you ask them what god they worship. blank stares “What what do we what,” they ask. You tell them that you believe their is a mind which has no body, no physical form, and it has agency in the natural world, able to flood the entire planet or make your misplaced car keys appear in front of you or inflict a plague upon you. And it knows everything, even what you are thinking and feeling. They say, “Where the fuck did you ever get an idea like that? You kray kray, man!” The fact is that you heard about the god from someone else who in turn heard about it from [rinse and repeat going all the way back to the stone age. Who originated the idea of spirit being that is incredibly like a human but at the same time is nothing at all like a human, in that it doesn’t have a body, and it can make shit happen by the power of thought alone, and it never dies? Oh, right, it has emotions that are identical to yours - it loves and hates, has desires, yada yada. Lots of stone age humans did. Did you know that Neanderthals - who went extinct some forty thousand years ago - had religious rituals?

Second, science can tell us something about religion, it can tell us about the psychological phenomenon of belief in gods. In the last 20, 30 years, we’ve heard from scholars whose research is the cognitive science of religion. They are mostly experimental psychologists (this ain’t that Sigmund von Shrink stuff) and cognitive anthropologists, with some other disciplines as well. The consensus is that people tend to believe that minds can exist without a body, and that such entities have agency in the natural world, because we mistakenly filter our experiences of the natural world through the mental modules we use for social cognition. This is the way evolution has wired our brains. We see patterns where there are none, our teleological thinking is promiscuous, our minds have a hyperactive agency detection device, and we are innate mind body dualists. Yup, gods are real alright, they are really in our heads.

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I have no problem with religion at all . . . I actually respect other peoples’ ideas and beliefs even if they are different from mine.

I became interested in atheism because I’ve become somewhat cynical after seeing all of the evil that is done in the name of religion.

I have often had to tackle religious issues at work (I was a paramedic and am now a cardiac technician), and decided that I wasn’t happy with kids of Jehova’s Witnesses dying because they needed a blood transfusion.

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