20 character low limit ugh

@Grinseed @dogalmighty Re: Asshole Badge presentation

… (sniffle-sniffle)… (wiping tears from eyes)… (blowing nose into hanky)… Oh-my-goodness-gracious! I’m so happy! You guys are the BEST!.. (fanning self with snotty hanky)… I just want to take a moment to thank all those who helped m-… :flushed:… Oh, wait! What the hell am I doing???.. :persevere:… I shouldn’t be thanking anybody! Matter of fact, all y’all can KISS MY ASS! Now give my my damn trophy so I can ghost this place and get to the bar for the celebration party, you bunch of losers! Who knows? One of you might be lucky enough to have me let you buy me a drink… (snatching badge from presenter)… (headed for door to catch a cab)… (calling back over shoulder)… Oh, and don’t expect me to tip the cab driver!

It might not be obvious but I just changed my vote. :man_facepalming:


YOU have no idea how much bee…I mean water smilingbirdfood made me drink!!!

THEN I can’t “aim”, I squat. So :bird: man cut out little stars :star: and I peed on the cut out.

WE let it dry and the color was rich… we were so proud to add a personal touch to your badge, adorable asshole!

One thing I have learned with this p*oll maker option: no-one pays attention to poll results. Really. No-one has noticed or at least mentioned that my last poll shows 3 voters voted while there is currently a total of 4 votes counted :boom:.
I would remind readers the poll is still open and its a chance to be a part of a polling fiasco that could make elections in African republics look pristinely democratic by comparison.
Vote early, vote often.
:boom:I confess. I voted twice.

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I like your poll. :+1:

LMAO! 3 voters, 7 votes…must be the fake mail ins.


Really, there should be twelve votes…each can vote up to 4 times. Or as many options that you present.

So just for future reference how are votes limited to one per forumite?

Not sure dude…lets try.

  • trump is a talking yam
  • trump is a turnip
  • trump is a basement baby
  • trump is a rump
  • I like turtles

0 voters


I am reminded someone mentioning that the US Constituiton was written by wealthy educated gentlemen that thought their new country would be governed by wealthy educated gentlemen like themselves who deport themselves with the same level of dignity and honesty as they thought they did themselves.
This poll tool looks like an honesty poll. No matter.

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Not sure how to make a single vote per person. Anyone?

Well I can only vote once. Maybe the bar is better the purpose. Shame, I liked all of the options.

no, no, try again…

I see you voting for turtles and basement baby, are you removing a vote or is that just lag?

I…stopped the poll

and the result is a tie with a turtle and a Trump…ahhh but I can change my vote after you close the poll muhahahah

Well its true…turtles have more significance than trump. LOL

Its a clear win for turtles now.

I turned the poll back on.