Would you save a Christian's life?

Whoa whoa whoa there, Skrit. Let’s not jump the gun too quick in being skeptical of that question. Oddly enough, this thread has inspired me a bit. It has opened my eyes to concepts I had never before considered. Matter of fact, it has motivated me to develop a question to ask any potential victim(s) I might have the opportunity to save in the future. After all, it is only prudent to be properly prepared BEFORE such an event. Also, in the interest of being effecient, this question is designed for maximum info gain in the least amount of time. As many of us here know, things often happen quickly in such life-and-death situations, so time is obviously of the essence. So, with that in mind, here is the question… (Oh, and remember to be friendly and polite when asking. You want to keep the victim as calm as possible)…

“Excuse me, ma’am or sir. I am here to aid in your rescue from this hazardous situation. Before I continue, however, I just need to take a quick moment to ask you this one question: Do you believe the story of Job as depicted in the bible is an inspirational example of how great it is to be dedicated and faithful to God?”

If the individual answers you in the manner of, “Fuck you, asshole! Just get me the fuck out of here!”, then continue with the rescue effort. That person is obviously worth saving.

On the other hand, what if the person answers in the manner of, “Oh, yes! Praise the Lord that he sent you to save me.”? Simple. Tell that person, “Thank you, but I’m afraid you have me mistaken for somebody else. The Lord didn’t tell ME to come here. Well, it was nice meeting you. Just sit tight, and maybe the guy the Lord sent should be along any moment now. I certainly don’t want to be in the way when he gets here. Have a good day!”

And I cannot stress this enough, but always be polite and friendly. Remember… Keep the victim CALM.

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Yes, I am a simple minded bully. Now, here is your cookie and go to your room and cry.

This is the only thing he heard David. Your effort to breathe rationality into the conversation is appreciated just the same.

I’m sorry, I can’t hear you. I’m busy throwing a tantrum.

Hang on…I did not call you a simple minded bully…

So please give credit where credit is due. I would never say anything insulting, to anyone, ever.


Well, damn it! Someone take the fucking cookie and go to their room and cry. I don’t give a shit who eats the damn thing. Tin Man made them and I know better.

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Smart man… (mischievous snicker)…

Yeah, the last time you got pretty baked on those cookies…

I don’t remember. 16, 17, 18, 19, 20.