Why weren't the rulers of the Roman Empire able to Falsify the Resurrection of Jesus

Is that a question?

If so it seems to be putting the cart before the horse again.

What objective evidence can you demonstrate for any resurrection?

If the answer is none then there’s not much to examine.


I think our poseur poster has run away…too many historians for him or her.

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Too many of you willing to fact check the assertions. From Inanna to Romulus how many dying and rising Gods were there? I just find the idea that “Inanna had direct influence a bit silly.” Then there is the influence of the Greeks, Zoroastrianism and the Jewish exile from Persia, Egypt, and more.

I liked the comment, whoever made it, that these are just common themes carried on throughout early history. I think any similarities are mostly coincidental. They just happen to be something the story tellers of the time picked up on and someone managed to write it down for posterity. ,