Why does religion promote hate towards women?

Uh Huh…I am sensing a good slapping on the way…(long overdue I might add)

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“The most that we know is that there will be no children born during the last 100 years of the Millenium (because the Bible says)…”

The Bible is Evidence for Itself train was rolling just as strongly in the 30s as now. :face_vomiting:


Colour me skeptical. There are reasons to think this is a hoax.

Thanks - it may be a hoax, BUT being raised a JW the advice in this “public arena” didn’t “ring bells” :bell: mostly because I was raised on that advice.

Women were subservient to men. Less than. Their job was to be a compliment, a helper and a good housewife. Their body was not their own, but was the “husband’s” and women were NOT to deprive men of their “due” (sex).

There are more than enough fundies out there that this “advice” is literal.

To regular old humans, a joke. It’s a joke to me now.

I have no doubts that is the case. Unfortunately. But in this particular case the “document” is probably false, even though it reflects reality in abrahamic religions at large, and in certain sects in particular. Actually, make that lots of societies all over the world. Come to think of it, this makes me somewhat depressed. I think I’ll go and pour myself a beer now.


I fully agree. I have been a bad little monkey and a good slapping is long overdue. Can I wear the nurses outfit?

Oh heck (Hoax or Not) I grew up with Ozzie and Harriet. The article is spot on and the number one reason to do all your womanizing in a church.

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“Well AUTHENTICATED instances of women being TRANSFORMED into men.”!!!???

I’m assuming the authoritative source of these instances is a little book called the Bible? :face_with_monocle:

JayDubbs are another breed of crazy. Worked on high rises with a pair of them. I think I was labelled a “goat” very early on in the experience.

“Not one of them”. They have a very strong sense that they’re superior to the “goats”. They’re not especially humble about this superiority complex either. But they carry it around. They keep “outsiders” at a safe distance. If you’re not with them you’re impure and a tool of the devil.

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Only if you promise to wear the white lace garters too…