Who's your favorite prominent atheist?

Bart Ehrman is the one who made me really understand how the invention of Christianity happened. I appreciate (although it can be frustrating) that he sticks to the facts and doesn’t engage in much speculation.

I don’t have favourite, although I admire Ehrman because he began as a fervent christian and his open mind led him to atheism .

If I had a favourite it would be Physicist Brian Cox.


I like Matt’s talks, but don’t particularly care for his style on shows like The Atheist Experience. Sure, he uses logic and reason, but he’s too heavy-handed with callers and cuts them off at the knees or redirects them before they can get to their point.

I don’t mind people using crude language at times, but Matt often goes overboard on his show:


Caller: “Why do you use language like that”?

Matt: “I’ll fucking well use whatever fucking language I want on my own fucking show, so fuck off.”

Logic and reason quickly devolves to rant. It’s gotten to the point where I prefer the other hosts of the show over Matt as they seem more capable of having a civil conversation.


Probably te very reasons I like him. No time for bullshit, just get to the point. I think it works for a call in show. Probably not something you want to try in person. In person, you would just be, being a shithead. You sure wouldn’t have a lot of people to talk with.