Why don’t you share your reason for believing? Your very best and most logical reason you can think of. The reason that really makes you a believer/
Welcome, @Ruan .
I suggest that your question is asked because you’re about to hit us with evidence for a Christian god that’s testable and independently verifiable.
If so, you’ve found your publicist. We can work those angles. Forget those other hack agencies; I’ll get you onto Osteen and Oprah and PNAS and all of them.
Our first task is to stop you from revealing this stuff on atheist chat sites. Sticks in the mud, these folks are.
How about instead of believable we use relevant. As a boy I didn’t find what they said in church relevant and therefore never developed a belief in god. Without objective verifiable evidence belief seems out of reach, at least for me.
I realize theists profess to believe without proof. But then who am I to judge. I believe in the Easter Bunny, although I was disappointed this year to wake up and not find a single chocolate egg anywhere in the house. Not on the side table in the living room, not on the mantel or even on the hearth, not even on the countertop next to the coffee maker. All the places the Easter Bunny has left eggs over the years were empty. In light of this, kick in the cashews, I am forced to re-evaluate my belief in the Easter Bunny because the evidence for his existence is missing. Perhaps I didn’t believe hard enough and I’m being forsaken by He with the chocolate eggs, or perish the thought, the Easter Bunny isn’t real. But I will face this crisis of faith bravely and follow the evidence or even the lack evidence to a logical conclusion. @Ruan I hope you find the courage to do the same. Like me and many others you will find happiness in arriving at a conclusion based in fact rather than one based on faith. Have faith in the facts. Sorry I didn’t mean to be so preachy.
I’m still waiting for the Great Pumpkin to show up.
Well, the end of times is nigh. I woke up with shivers this morning, knowing it would be my last day on earth. You lucky sods still have 24 hours to live. Here in the east, my doom is at hand.
It is already 10am on the 8th here…wait I hear something!..Oh, sorry just the garbo picking up the garbage bins…coulda sworn it was a trumpet…oh, oops sorry no that was me farting, its a bugger being a senior.
I just thought of an addendum to this. @Ruan don’t take it personally… do you realize we are talking about “all gods” and not just yours? If you pay attention all arguments for all gods are exactly the same. Your Kalam cosmological argument was an argument for the Islamic God that the Christians now use.
There is nothing special about any of your god claims. I would love to hear something new.
That’s my biggest reason for not believing in any mythology.
I don’t have any objections to any God. That’s like blaming the night for the darkness. Pointless.