What does exist?


Still not “nailed” down.

Ohhh :astonished: a more “plausible” mystery is the events in Arizona.

Just an intro to this subject. Lots of information (and biases and “spin”)…

I have my own speculative ideas :bulb:

Which do you think is more plausible, the existence of aliens or life after death?


Life exists on this planet in all forms under various conditions. Just because we have yet to measure or observe it (yet) in our cosmos doesn’t mean it isn’t “possible”.

Life after death has not been evidenced.
At all.

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If there was evidence for life after death what would it look like? What would constitute as evidence for life after death? Basically, is the claim that there is no afterlife falsifiable?

Sure! You chop someone’s head off, let us examine the stump, then preform a religious ritual to put the body back together again, alive. That would convince me that there is “life after death”.

Of course, this is never what happens. The religious can never demonstrate their claims in a way where we can be confident of their accuracy. Why do you think that is?

Are you saying that those who claim to have NDE experiences are religious before the experience and are just making things up?

Of course there is life after death, just not how you think

The circle of life, your ancestors live on, through you.

More or less: yes. :roll_eyes:

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I believe some so called NDE accounts are just propaganda for the religious, but to say that ALL NDE accounts are just made up is a stretch. I’d say a very big stretch. I have actually met people and know people who have claimed to have had NDE experiences and if you ask around you will probably find some yourself. Yes you may tend to find them in churches because once a person has that experience there is a tendency to become religious. I live in the same house as a guy that claimed to have an NDE after an overdose and I think he found some religion. I wouldn’t say everyone who has an NDE just starts going to church but it seems to a trend.

These are memory “recalls” from a brain that was deprived of oxygen and may have even had “medically undetected” activity.

Have you experienced a lucid dream? Does that mean “you” went somewhere, or did you not just enjoy a more conscious experience within the construct of your mind.

The “recall” of a NDE is an experience not all remember when faced with the same physical depletion.

I do not doubt the experience of the dying. It doesn’t surprise me that the brain/body releases chemicals and “protects” the conscious being of itself (our emergent awareness of self). The same way many experience a “disconnect” when experiencing trauma.

The point is, there is no measurement of anything outside the body after death surviving.

People is dumb. :woman_shrugging:

What used to be called Asperger’s syndrome is now called ‘Autism spectrum disorder’. Such people tend to be at the high functioning end of the spectrum.

Autism is a disorder, not an illness.

I was diagnosed as being on the spectrum at age 65. Although that explained a lot, it changed only one thing; it meant I could finally stop trying to fix ‘weird Cranky’ after trying for 45 years and failing. .

Interestingly, I once read that some people with bipolar disorder don’t want to be ‘cured’ because they love the high of being manic. I don’t know how common that attitude is among sufferers.

It is my understanding that some mental illnesses are common in people with Asperger’s. For me it’s been chronic depression and mild ocd. My shrink explained that my alcoholism was an attempt at self medication. Worked too, until it didn’t.

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Yah. Mines a disease. Love all the specific terms :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Glad you stopped trying to “fix” yourself. Fuck - wish I could have known you in person at a different point in time.
We would have got along just fine (but it would have to have been after you kicked the bottle - my preference…no judgement). Luckily we get to chat this way :nerd_face:


I stopped drinking 30 June 2002.

Chances are you may not have noticed. Neither my family nor my girlfriend did. I was a functioning alcoholic until after I retired in 1999. Went to great lengths to hide my drinking, never getting drunk in front or others.

Yes, I’d like to think we’d have gotten along. :blush:

If people have a soul then I don’t expect there to be any measurement of anything outside the body after death. The soul is eternal, I don’t see how anyone can measure it. I suppose if one really wants to they could dismiss all NDE’s as lucid dreams but my intuition tells me there is more to it than that. What would convince you that at least some NDE’s are more than just memory recalls?

Yah - sound self medicating. My dad was the down dirty drunk :woozy_face: passout type… drink and drive (no seat belts). Leave me in the car while he spent hours in a bar … ahhhh fond memories …

I defiantly don’t go the whole “soul” route … for instance do all life forms have “souls”? And what defines the “life” part -
A virus :microbe: …- cell - insects :spider: … animals, fish - get my drift?
Now, if there was anything, (which there is no demonstrable or repeatable evidence for), that wouldn’t necessarily guarantee “my awareness” or “consciousness”. But for me,’this is a very BIG stretch so currently I have no belief in “life after death”. I think of my life like a fire :fire:
Simple chemical reaction capable of consuming. Once out - it’s “out” - no more “chemical” interaction in that particular way.

I have listened and shared various NDE - I have for reasons of “trust” avoided NDEs used for religious reasons - but the strait up professionals who have worked in these fields or folks who have no interest otherwise, I find interesting. Like I said I hope my brain gives me this parting “gift” a nice story before “lights out”…

I think there have been studies where “writing”
has been placed in areas where if one left their body, they would see it and remember (that’s the general idea).

I don’t know :man_shrugging: what the best convincing evidence for me would be … it would have to be repeatable and evidenced without bias…

They would need to “return” with (previous unknown but) verifiable information that could not have been gotten by conventional means.

So I guess in summary … I go with if people don’t have a soul I wouldn’t expect there to be measurement of anything outside the body after death…

That is great! But if it can’t be measured, then there is no way to demonstrate that you know anything about it, or that it even exists.

It seems the difference between souls existing and not existing; isn’t large enough to measure. That isn’t going to convince many opponents.

Kind of like the difference between doing a rain dance, and not doing a rain dance. Like following your Horoscope, or not following it. Like the difference between praying for health and not praying for health. They all seem to give the same results. How can you not see it is just another scam?

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