What does a person have to do to prove that they are not a theist?

By the way, i notice that UAA does not yet have a logo. I think it’s time to make one. Here is my suggestion:

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No, you missed the entire point of my post. The entire point of my post is that an actual Atheist wouldn’t give two flying fucks or care to prove it. Some atheists wear it on their sleeve that they don’t believe in bullshit fairy tales.

When you sit there and claim that Atheism is a doctrine at all, it makes you sound like an xtian. Atheism is simply the lack of or disbelief in the existence of deities. That’s all it’s ever been. It’s officially not a belief system or considered a religion. You’d know that if you read about it. Read this article word for word than sit there and tell us what it said because you obviously don’t fucking get it.

That is the atheists doctrine, and you are guarding it.

You have a “(litmus) test” for determining who is an actual atheist compared to a fake atheist; but you do not want to confirm that, because that means that there is an atheist doctrine that atheists are responsible for guarding.

I have explained the problem, and the solution is that atheism is a political doctrine that opposes theist doctrine as the moral basis for public policy.

Atheists should not believe in a magical switch in the brain that theist seem to believe in when it comes to believing in the existence of a supernatural deity. Atheists should believe that belief is “support of a doctrine,” including the doctrine of supporting reasoning to that doctrine.

Wow. Just wow. You’re so fucking dumb.

Dude, I live in the bible belt. I live in a big ass church town. There are no “groups of Atheists” where I live. There are no get togethers. Everyone where I live is made up of xtians. Almost everyone I know is a Christian. I don’t go out hunting down people who are atheists. I don’t go around with a note pad asking who is an Atheist and why. Wanna know why?


Because that’s what Christians do when they go door to door handing you their dumb ass pamphlets wanting you to join their congregation.

What the fuck are you going on about? What the fucking fuck?

Sounds like that’s what you think Atheists should believe in. Guess what that’s called? Magical thinking. Choke on it, boi.

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Holy mother Mary’s untouched vagina - this presumptive, presuppositional stuff is comedy gold.

I’m about to come apart at the linea alba. Stop it, you big silly!


HEY! @CyberHiker! Are you willing/able to answer my questions?


Hahahhhaaaaa. Yeah, wouldn’t it be great if people would just go along with whatever nonsense you come up with?
Assholes all… why can’t you jerks just accept the doctrine of your indoctrination into the belief system of non-belief, which uses the indoctrinating reasoning of doctrine support, which is not the magical belief that you seem to share with those whom you pretend to disagree.

So there you go, that should satisfy you fuckers.

Edit: mud-like transparency

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Well then, if you are happy with your belief, then more power to you. I think it’s wonderful how you are able to develop your own definitions to accomodate your personal delusions. Most people have to settle for the same ol’ boring dictionary definitions most often accepted by society. You are certainly an innovative pioneer in your own mind.

As for the magical switch in my brain, I have tried many times to flip that sucker back to the “Belief” setting. The fucker just won’t stay, though. I’ve even had the technicians run diagnostic tests on it several times. Oddly enough, they can find nothing wrong with it. Guess I’m just stuck with not believing.


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