This has been moved from another thread

Oh Tin, of course you are special. You attract them like poo attracts flies. They think you are dumb and so easy meat for their deposits of fecal matter.
The rest of us know the truth, you are like that snake that wiggles its tail like an easy to catch maggot then POW!

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Well, I’d say you appear friendly and approachable, which ummmmm… can’t be said of everyone here. I have no trouble picturing some misguided suspect spilling their guts to you :slightly_smiling_face:. Who knows this guys motivations? Which was one reason I didn’t answer his post in the first place.

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I agree I know you pulled me out of trouble when I first came here. Even Cog agrees in his curmudgeonly way. You seem like the kind of person that would let the mormon missionaries in and offer them a cookie and a glass of milk.

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I think s/he doesn’t was to be publicly challenged.

Huh??? :astonished:… I did???.. When? I honestly find that hard to believe. I must have had a fever or something. At the very least, I’m sure it was for some selfish reason and of some benefit to myself. Either that, or Cog and/or Old Man hacked into my wi-fi circuits again and used a remote control on me. (I HATE it when they do that. :confounded:) Regardless, don’t be fooled. I ain’t as think as you nice I am.

JW’s, actually. We don’t have any Mormons that I know of around these parts. The JW’s are (were) really nice and fun, though. Had them over several times. Sadly, they eventually stopped answering my calls requesting them to stop by for a visit. :grin:

Trust me, it’s just a disguise. :smiling_imp:

This individual doesn’t even seem to want to DM me … I wonder why?


Tin can do with wit and humor, what I do with bananas.

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Oh, ha-ha! Very funny. You know damn good and well that I am NOT that limber anymore, you sick primate!

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That’s not what I heard…

Edit to watch contortionist videos

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Limber-shmimber — It’s not my fault you keep your bolts locked down so tight you can’t bend ov… Wait a minute… I guess it is… Never mind.


it’s not my fault
Wait, where have I heard this?
Oh yeah, from every whiney, guilty bastard that ever lived…that’s where…:face_with_monocle:


That happens when you open the door in your underwear and a beer in your hand. The mormons came by one time, asked my wife if there was anything they could do for her. She replied yes you could shovel the snow off the deck and a path out to the compost. She showed them where the shovels were and they set to work. She was so impressed she was going to offer them a bowl of soup to warm up but after they finished they left without a good bye never to be seen again. Nice young boys she told me later.

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The cute butterfly is fooling no one. I suggest using one of the nicer characters from the wizard of oz. That seem to work for some people :slightly_smiling_face:.


Flying monkeys have been taken.