Theist derision of science

Whilst i’m not a fan of people being banned, cancelled etc… especially with others possibly saying similar or worse to him… i’m fairly sure the conversations would make no progress anyways.

I lost count of how many times i was asked questions regarding positions i did not take and then the blatent dodging of questions thrown back.

Its staggering that apologist after apologist that has come passing by cannot answer very basic questions.

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It also amazes me how they claim they care about truth then happily to use logical fallacies and ignore us when called out on it. Then he turns around and insults us. He’s knows he’s wrong, but he hasn’t found a youtube video yet to tell him how to react to this.


More then likely TheMagus.

I do feel we need to be careful though, the whole banning people is not really productive in my opinion, it stifles conversation (even if they’re talking utter bollocks).

For me, its not something I’d do unless someone massively crossed a line or was being outrageously disruptive.

It makes us all look thin skinned and that is not me in the slightest.



Twenty characters

It is remarks like this that lead to me view this site anyway, as primarily anti-theist rather than simply “not hold a belief in God”.

This forum seems to be dominated by a small number of people, regular participants but a small group.

There’s a general poor understanding shown of philosophy and science, much of what is said is pretty superficial and predictable and shows little open mindedness.

The past few weeks I’ve seen purportedly educated people say things like something can come from nothing, the presence of laws can be scientifically explained without recourse to other laws, I’m confident there’s no evidence for God but I don’t know what evidence would look like if there was any, science reveals reality, we can’t prove the gospels false but will behave as if we can, there’s no evidence for the supernatural because we know only the natural exists and we know that because there’s no evidence for the supernatural, science can answer philosophical questions, the only relevant questions are scientific questions and on and on and on.


Ironically this is a straw man fallacy. This site is simply a medium for debate, and the atheists here regard religions in ways as different as their experiences of it, what we share is the lack of belief in any deity.

Ironically in response to @TheMagus assertion you make irrational claims, then when they are pointed out you insult us, you made an irrational claim, then insulted us? Just bizarre…

Straw man fallacy, and of course not being able to prove something false doesn’t mean it isn’t, and that claim would be an argumentum ad ignorantiam fallacy.

Straw man fallacy, I am dubious a single poster here has claimed “only the natural exists”. I won’t say it is a lie, unless you repeat it without providing an example.

Straw man fallacy, again I don’t believe anyone has said this. if you repeat it without an example then I will be calling it a porky pie,


That’s rich coming from a person whose strongest debating strategy is call his opponent a “liar” every time a disagreement comes up!

That’s a lie, you just can’t help yourself can you. Should we be surprised you failed to address the facts of the post, and resorted to petty duplicitous insult.


You literally said, [quote]"We can see too from observation that the universe had a beginning, winding the clock back to the initial “big bang”. [/quote]

I’d go careful trying to the moral high ground here.

And you was asked very simply, can you prove that god had any direct influence on scripture and if a god can interact with the natural world, demonstrate and evidence that claim.

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You couldn’t make this stuff up.


There is no need to, your duplicity is on display for anyone to see. Whilst I have no truck with dishonesty, your misrepresentation was and is a dishonest lie, and it is there for all to see, all they need do is read the discourse form the start to see I only mention duplicity when it is plainly evident in the post.


I’m not against anybody. You are deflecting again. I called you out on using logical fallacies and mocking us so this makes me anti-theist?

This is funny. I don’t think you have truly studied any of these in depth. You keep referring to ancient philosophical debates, yet you don’t know which philosophers were involved or the general outcome. You make scientific and epistemological statements that make no sense. Don’t project your ignorance on us.

You: This thing is evidence.
Me: You are using logical fallacies to claim something is evidence, therefore, that thing isn’t evidence.
You: Ignores this and claims it is evidence anyway.

What am I missing here?

I just don’t think you understand how evidence works. You can’t prove unfalsifiable things false. You can never prove that Bob didn’t see the flying spaghetti monster. You can find problems with any holy book, but you can never prove that the invisible stuff isn’t real. This is why telling people about contradictions is largely irrelevant. If they already believe in a bunch of invisible things, it’s easy to excuse away any contradictions. Mathew made up a number of prophecies and just said that Jesus fulfilled them. Matthew 2:22-23 said that Jesus would be called a Nazarene. However, there is no mention of this in the old testament whatsoever. The word Nazareth or Nazarene isn’t there. Does this prove that Jesus didn’t have super powers? No. There is no way of proving the gospels “false” just like there is no way to prove any holy book false. This is the kind of intellectually dishonest tactics that theists use to try to convince uneducated people to join.

You didn’t come up with the idea of god yourself. How did someone convince you it was real? It is easy to make things up which is what we assume people did if they don’t have evidence for their claims.

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Very well, lets start again you and I and see at which point we begin to diverge, do you want to state your opening position or shall I? the theme is evidence and falsifiability and proof so on, yes?

You could answer his question here:

That seems a good place.

I think he’s best placed to decide that.

Any reason you don’t want to answer in the meantime?

That was his question after all, that rather infers he was seeking an answer.

Yes, I’m not interested in debating a troll, my question was directed at @TheMagus and I await his reply.

You’re the one who has twice been banned for trolling, not me and asking someone with your track record of dishonestly evading questions, to answer one is hardly trolling, especially since you asked the poster who asked the question where he would like to start, again it is reasonable to assume he wanted an answer when he asked the question, though I know you struggle with that concept. Try that meme with the ostrich burying its head in the sand, that might help you understand what you’re doing here, without lying that I was trolling?

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Not one word in there asserts or remotely implies @TheMagus is opposed to belief in the existence of a god or gods, which is the definition of antitheist. Though I know from their posts on here some of the atheists are also antitheists, so what?


Sounds good, let’s narrow our focus to a single item. I hope you would agree that if anybody uses a logical fallacy, then the conclusion they reach is invalid. Note that a syllogism being valid is different than it being true. You can technically have a syllogism that is both valid and false. The specific item here will be the god of the gaps argument which goes something like this:

Major Premise: Matter and energy exist in the universe.
Minor Premise: We have never experienced something coming from nothing.
Conclusion: A god or gods must have created it.

This syllogism is invalid because a post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy, also known as a assuming the source fallacy, was committed. Therefore, this syllogism cannot help us know truth. This does not disprove that god exists, because, once again, you can’t falsify something that is unfalsifiable. A god existing and creating our universe is among the infinite possibilities. But just assuming something does not help you know truth. If I were to replace the conclusion:

Conclusion: The matter and energy must have always existed.

It would still be the exact same logical fallacy rendering the syllogism invalid. There is nothing we can put there that helps us know. This is the exact problem with unfalsifiable things. All one can do is claim ignorance, because claiming to know is really just guessing. Does this make sense?