The Universe Happened, BANG

Now you have gone and made a claim. How in the world could you possibly know that the universe was not created by some superior being? You can not possibly “know” that. Asserting that you “know” the universe was not created by some superior being is every bit as ignorant as making the assertion that you “know” it was created by some superior being. *I’m sure I am not the only one around here that really wishes you would finally get this point." You have no evidence at all that a magical being did not create the universe. NONE!

People keep telling you this and it just does not seem to sink in. IMO it appears you are angry at theists, religion and such, and simply lashing out with silly talk. Atheism is a position congruent with the “null-hypothesis.” The time to believe something is when it has been demonstrated to be true. When there is evidence for the claim to be believed in. Not only have theists not met their burden of proof in providing sufficient evidence for the existence of a God but antitheists as well, have not met their burden of proof in proving that there is no God.

The time to believe something is when the evidence warrants that belief. I happen to believe none of the Gods I have thus far encountered in argumentation or debate have the quality of existence. I can not possibly “Know” that the universe was or was not created by some superior being.


I think that may have come a bit later. I’ll stick with structural functionalism. Perhaps some loss personal autonomy was price people had to pay. Plus the material cost in sheckels or whatever ever. Harder to control people if the ain’t buying what is being sold.

Interesting question. I think the US and UK [at least] are just about there already. For our species perhaps a combination of conditions because the death of religion will not happen all at once. Happening slowly as it is doing in Australia…

I have a bit of trouble with models of social change. I think it can be argued that they may be superfluous. I think social change may be a continuum. That we only really notice major change like say a Donald Trump or a pandemic.

I have the same view of history. I’ve never been satisfied with the ‘great man’ notion of history.

Cog as long as there’s no evidence that a superior being created the universe I will believe that it just sprang to be without knowing how or why. I just don’t believe a God was necessary for its creation.

I don’t know what exactly happened but I do know it happened.

If some god is responsible for its creation why not make that clear? Why all the mystery to how things came to be?

If a god was responsible for its creation let them strike me down for my disbelief in it.

Still alive so where is this god?

Yea but I seriously doubt it.

Is a claim, as Cog has tried to explain to you yet again.


Is you dishonestly dashing back to disbelief again, having made an unevidenced claim.

Each time you do this, the fundamental difference is carefully explained to you, and each time you go away, get stoned, then come back and repeat it.


It is epistemologically and rationally no different to theism.

Please prove that this known universe “just sprang to be”.

The first half of your sentence I can accept, but the “just sprang to be” is an unfounded assertion you must prove.

And as almost every legitimate scientist and many atheists state …


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Yes @David_Killens I guess we really don’t know.

And even though we can not rule out a god, I see no evidence of this.

So I don’t really know.

Believing and Knowing are not the same thing. Knowing is a subcategory of belief. Call it the highest possible validation of a belief claim. I can believe my blue socks bring me good luck and no one gives a shit. But if I know my blue socks bring me good luck I am a fucking neurotic with reality issues. I am making a claim that is obviously untrue to anyone with an IQ over 3 and I sound like a fucking idiot. Do you not understand? You are running around telling people that you KNOW your blue socks are lucky? You can not demonstrate it, You have no evidence for it. You are just dead sure about it. You know it for a fact. You are certain as one can be about it and have elevated your ‘belief’ to the point of 'knowledge."

People on the site are trying to help you to not sound like you don’t know what in the hell you are talking about. “Knowledge” is best understood as “Justified Belief” or “That which can be evidenced and held to be True.” You have no such evidence for such a claim as “I know there is no God.” You can not prove it to be true. (Not that this argument can not be made. I can certainly make it and so can a few others on the site; however. I would not attempt it until the theist clearly identified which God he or she was talking about." This is essential to debunking a God! Ese wise, you are not debunking Gods, but rather, you are debunking “God claims.”

Debunking the claim of an argument for God is not the same thing as debunking the existence of a God. Just because the Kalam Cosmological argument falls flat on its face, does not mean that another version of God is not possible. The “CLAIM” is debunked and the existence of that specific god of the gaps, but not all possible versions of god. Not an all Just god, not an Alien Intelligence God, not an amorphously conscious god, not an energy god, etc, etc, etc,

Your comment is as fallacious and ignorant as those made by theists visiting the site. We keep trying to get you to see this but it appears to be an up hill battle. It appears as if you are an angry Christian who is merely rejecting god as you really do not seem to have a grasp of what Atheism is all about.

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Then why do you keep making claims as if you do?


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How do you “Know” this? Have you turned over every rock in the universe? Are you so stupid that you don’t know the part of the observable universe we happen to live in is as little as .0001% When did you become so fucking smart? And we have not even begun to tackle the issue of what lays outside our universe yet. The sun must shine out your ass.

You would have to be powered by sunlight to have lived as long as you have lived. How the fuck else could you possibly know it came to be? You obviously had to have been there to know as much as you do. It’s a shame the greatest minds in the world think people like you with all your insight and experience are just tards.

What can I say, You act like an idiot theist and you get treated like an idiot theist. Even if you are completely beyond help, there are people new to the idea of Atheism that a post like this will help wake the fuck up. It may not be you, but it may be someone,


I guess it is one of those times then “I don’t know” is a better answer.

I really don’t know, but I doubt that a god did it.

A much better answer!

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Why? Sometimes the answer is simply “I don’t know.” You have no evidence for anything 'Springing" into existence. Our universe may have started with Big Bang cosmology. It’s the best theory we have and facts seem to add up. It is not the only theory. On top of that, Big Bang cosmology says nothing at all about the cosmos. It makes no assertions about Multiverse theories. The time to believe something is after we have evidence for it. Fill your mind with questions about things you don’t know, and you will be more amazed than filling your head with things you think you already know.


Hmmm…I thought you said cosmic blue bunny rabbits farted the universe into existence? :laughing:

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HEY! That was MY idea. Don’t be giving Cog credit for my brilliant theories. Hell, that walking flea-bitten carpet actually thinks some sort of “Cosmic Banana” created the universe. How freakin’ ridiculous is THAT? :roll_eyes:

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No! Eric the rainbow farting Unicorn farted the world into existence.
Cosmic Blue Universe Creating bunnies used carrot sticks and waggled them in the air.
This stuff is all clearly written in the Book.


I realize that you are rather preoccupied with teaching, counseling, lecturing on the art of blasphemy, and continuing your education in hydraulics actuators. However, I am disappointed that you have not recognized and acknowledged the spin-off from string theory, referred to as “Slinky Matter Theory”, which hypothesizes that a metaphysical mechanism, not bound by the restrictions of space-time, facilitated the beginning of our current presentation of reality through a series of events whereby, indeed our universe “sprang” into existence. Look it up…check it out…read up on it, ask around, think it over…do the math…no thanks necessary…

Edit: meet me on the stairs

I could’a swore Cog had some ancient knowledge on the blue bunnies wet farting the universe into what it is today. :frowning_face:

What book is this? I must know your secrets! :laughing:

Given that ‘String Theory’ is not a theory, I can’t imagine how ‘Slinky Matter Theory’ qualifies. Sounds like we have one unsubstantiated hypothesis piled upon another. I’m sticking with Blue Universe Creating Bunnies waggling magic carrot sticks until someone can prove me wrong. I know I am right because I can feel it in my heart.

Why String Theory Is Not A Scientific Theory

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Don’t diss the Cosmic Banana, he moves in mysterious ways. The all-loving Mellow Yellow who was sent to Earth by the Blue Universe Creating Bunnies to spread love, joy, and the smoke of the banana peel will not tolerate mockery and will send its minions to pee on your front lawn.