The Truth: The Mathematical Proof of God, The Holy Trinity

Here you arbitrarily assign a number to a word, just because you feel like it, and/or because it suits your needs. 333 is assigned to trinity, while it could just as well be assigned to 3 or 111 or 3^3^3 (in excess of 7.6 million millions), or whatever number suits your agenda. The number is thus not connected to the real world or anything of physical importance in any way. It therefore has no real meaning, and the substance in your statement is nothing but gibberish.

And on and on it goes. Same shit, same assertions, same lack of substance. Etc.


Exactly, also why is it being presented here? It reminds of John Breezy claiming he could disprove or falsify the theory of evolution, one was obliged to point out there was nothing on the news

In order for his argument to be valid, this opening postulate would need to be true, if it were true, why would we need a proof or any further argument that a deity exists?

If he can’t demonstrate objectively that this first postulate is true, then it all comes crashing down, and it’s back to the drawing board.

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Exactly. He’s clearly trying to rig to be what he believes is a compelling argument so that he can sound intelligent, when in fact it’s just another sad attempt at him spreading more unevidenced religious theories that have no substance.

So, while we’re playing with numbers, I hereby “prove” that Satan is greater and more powerful than God.

God is Trinity, which is assigned to 333 (as per @kingiyk’s assertion). Satan is 666. Thus, Satan is biggerer, strongerer, and powerfullerer than God. But God is clever, and says that Trinity=3^3^3, which is much much bigger. But Satan is also a clever fucker and knows Knuth’s up-arrow notation, and counters with Satan=6↑↑6↑↑6, which is a number so unfathomably humongously big that it cannot be written out, even if you used all the particles in the known universe, or filled every Planck volume in the known universe with digits. You cannot even write the number of digits in that number. Or the number of digits in the number of digits of the number. And so on.

And thus we have proven that Satan is bigger and better than God.

Which just illustrate how fucking stupid and imbecilic this kind of “god proofs” are.


I agree with you.

I remember seeing a similar “proof” from many years ago done by a skeptic where he took Stephen King’s novel The Stand, and “discovered” numerical relationships that prove God’s existance. He also proved Vishnu’s existance, Odin’s existance, and a few others.

It was a very interesting piece of work, but now I can’t find it when I look on the Internet.


You are right to state that The Holy Trinity is assigned the numerical value
3 3 3. And Satan is self-assigned 6 6 6.
When you incorporate Isaiah 14:14 [which states “I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High”] into this wonder, the reason for Satan’s choice of 6 6 6 becomes overly glaring: He aims to be like God.

No, you’ve got it all wrong. The existence of your god, that Satan does aim to be like God are just your mythology claiming so. That’s all. Like mythology claims Zeus is the all-father, that Odin has only one eye, that Thor has a boomerang-like warhammer, and other such myths. The anthology you call the bible just contains claims. It does not represent any provable truths. To believe the bible is tantamount to believe any old mythology, like old Sumerian myths, old Greek myths, old Norse myths, etc. The bible is the claim, not the proof.


Still not sold. Is that all you wanted to share?

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Definition of Concepts:

The Holy Trinity:
A single God existing as three identical entities. In the concept of The Trinity, Three and One are the same.

Trinity of Numbers:
A single number existing as three identical entities.

Digital Root:
The single digit and ultimate unit number derived by the iterative process of summing the individual digits of a number.


2023 » 2 + 0 + 2 + 3 = 7
30 » 3 + 0 = 3
1191993 » 1+1+9+1+9+9+3 = 33 » 3 + 3 = 6

The Proof is comprised of 7 segments:

1.) The Magnificence of 3,6,9: The Trinity of Numbers: Proves The Holy Trinity to be True by way of Mathematics

2.) Time & Space: Proves The Triune God to be The creator of Time, Space, and The Universe

3.) The Word: Proves The Bible to be The Word of God

4 & 5.) The Image and The Earth: Proves The Triune God is The Creator of Man and all living creatures

6.) Order & Peace: Proves the orderly nature of The Triune God as revealed in The scriptures.

7.) The First & The Last: Proves The Triune God is who He says He is.

All segments answer the questions Man has pondered upon, especially on origin and purpose.

The Proof begins by deriving the Holy Trinity (3 3 3) through the Trinity of Numbers then proceeds to illustrate how The Holy Trinity (3 3 3) proves consistent in all 7 segments.

1.) The Magnificence of 3,6,9: The Trinity of Numbers:

The Digital Root of any Trinity of Numbers united into an integer is either 3, 6 , or 9.

111 » 1 + 1 + 1 = 3
222 » 2 + 2 + 2 = 6
333 » 3 + 3 + 3 = 9

444 » 4 + 4 + 4 = 12 » 1 + 2 = 3
555 » 5 + 5 + 5 = 15 » 1 + 5 = 6
666 » 6 + 6 + 6 = 18 » 1 + 8 = 9

777 » 7 + 7 + 7 = 21 » 2 + 1 = 3
888 » 8 + 8 + 8 = 24 » 2 + 4 =6
999 » 9 + 9 + 9 = 27 » 2 + 7 = 9

The recurring sequence 3 6 9 is magnificent for its representation of
The Truth: THE HOLY TRINITY !!! 3 3 3

3, 6, and 9 are part of the sequence of numbers obtained by adding 3 repeatedly

3 + 3 (6) + 3 (9) | 3 3 3 (See Proof for full illustration)

The Holy Trinity is assigned the numerical value
3 3 3 and Satan is self-assigned 6 6 6.[Revelation 13:18]
When you incorporate Isaiah 14:14 [which states: “I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High”] into this wonder, the reason for Satan’s choice of 6 6 6 becomes overly glaring: He aims to be like God.

Romans 5:6: “For while we were still weak, at the right TIME Christ died for the ungodly.”

When The Cross is fixed into a Time Clock, the co-ordinates are 3 6 9 and 12. The Cross is comprised of three entities:
3, 6, 9 - each representing an entity of the Trinity respectively, and a single head that unifies all three (The GodHead\God = 12; 1 Corinthians 11:3).

God is an ULTIMATE UNIT existing in eternity as Three distinct Entities in The Name of The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit.

When all three entities are united to become an ULTIMATE UNIT(a single digit) by deriving the digital root of the sum and the digital root of the unifying Godhead\God is derived, the result is:

The Father + The Son + The Holy Spirit =
3 + 6 + 9 = 18 » 1 + 8 = 9

God = 12 » 1 + 2 = 3

The Father + The Son + The Holy Spirit = 9;
God = 3

The Resulting Numbers are 3 & 9

9 is comprised of three 3s. 9 ≡ 3 3 3 i.e. a single God existing as three identical entities.

9 represents the three members of the trinity and 3 represents God. It means there are three individuals who are God in 9-The Trinity.

3 3 3; each 3 representing an entity of The Trinity:
God The Father, God The Son, God The Holy Spirit


The Earth is the Third of Nine Planets.

The Resulting Numbers are 3 & 9.

9 is comprised of three 3s: 3 3 3


The Bible is comprised of The New Testament and The Old Testament. The Old Testament is comprised of 39 books while The New Testament is comprised of 27 books.

The New Testament : 27 (3 3 3)
The Old Testament : 39 (3 and 9; 9 is comprised of three 3s; 333)


Man was created in the image of God- A Trinity.

When The Cross is fixed into a Time Clock, Man is depicted as having three distinct parts 1, 2, 3 ; reach represented by 3, 6, 9 respectively (see proof for full illustration)

1 and 3 are the same (both hands)-a representation of The Holy Trinity.

1 and 3 are also represented by 3 and 9 in the Time Clock; 9 is comprised of three 3s: 3 3 3 (See Proof for full illustration)

6.) ORDER & PEACE [1 Corinthians 14:33]

The Triune Number 9 acts as a guardian of order in the digital root system, providing structure, predictability, and balance.

When a number is multiplied by 9, the digital root of the product will be 9.

9 x 20 = 180; 1 + 8 + 0 = 9;
9 x 30 = 270; 2 + 7 + 0 = 9;
9 x 40 = 360; 3 + 6 + 0 = 9;

9 is comprised of three 3s; 3 3 3

7.) THE FIRST & THE LAST [Revelation 22:13]

Man was designed to use the Base 10 Numeral System.

Consisting of 10 digits:
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

1 is The First or The Beginning Number and The Triune Number 9 is The Highest or The Last.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 [3 3 3]

⇛God is The First and He is The Last.
⇛He is The Beginning and He is The End.
⇛He is One and He is a Trinity.

There are 27 letters in the alphabets.
A [1]


&[27] (3 3 3)

⇛God is The Alpha & The Omega.
⇛He is The Beginning & The End.
⇛He is One and He is a Trinity.

Put mind to task and examine the evidence. When done, you will be left with two choices: Proclaim this Proof to be The Truth or declare me The Greatest Mathematician The World has ever seen.


Other than for the purely mathematical properties, why is the digit sum relevant and significant in the context of this thread?


You can’t diagnose someone on the basis of a forum post (not that a nurse is qualified to really diagnose anything like a doctor), but–reading his posts–I wonder if he has Asperger’s syndrome, or high-functioning autism (like I do).

Autistic people often have obsessions (especially with numbers), and tend to see that they have “an answer for everything” in the subject that they are an “expert” in.

His musings are very reminiscent of how I used to think when I was much younger, and I actually see some of myself in him. I have a head for some types of math, as I can recite pi from memory to 34 digits.

As a side note, many famous physicists and mathematicians also had Asperger’s (now called high-functioning autism).

He also seems socially incompetent, which is part and parcel with Asperger’s.

Please see below:

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So what? Do you actually think people who lived in the middle east at the time your collection of stories was being written used the English alphabet? This is similar to pointing out the problem with your nine planet postulation (as only five yo seven were known of then).


27? Let’s count them:
A=1, B=2, C=3, D=4, E=5, F=6, G=7, H=8, I=9, J=10,
K=11, L=12, M=13, N=14, O=15, P=16, Q=17, R=18, S=19, T=20,
U=21, V=22, W=23, X=24, Y=24, Z=26.

Nah, you cannot even get that right. And you want us to take you seriously when you draw conclusions out from something that is so trivially objectively dead wrong?

Besides, the modern english alphabet has 26 characters. The old English latin alphabet generally had 24 characters. The Nordic alphabets have 29 (except Icelandic, which has 32). The old Italic alphabet had 27 characters, the archaic Latin alphabet had 21, while the classical Latin alphabet has 23 (Latin alphabet - Wikipedia). The modern Greek alphabet has 24 characters, and archaic Greek had 22 characters. Traditional Hebrew has 22 characters, same as Aramaic.

So, why would English be the “magic language” to base the meaning of these calculations on? Why not Latin, Greek, or Hebrew? Is English moar magicul?


What’s glaring is your inability to, or unwillingness to, understand that arbitrarily assigning numbers to unevidenced claims is meaningless.

Is a claim, it is not supported by any objective evidence.

Unevidenced claim

Unevidenced claim

Unevidenced claim

26 genius

Three unevidenced claims

Note the three full stops, this speaks for itself

You first champ

Your subjective belief in archaic superstition is not supported by a consensus among mathematicians. Check fucking mate sunshine

What is also obvious to many here, is the link between posters using random capital letters, and posting bat shit crazy nonsense, it’s an unerringly reliable indicator.


What I find funny is that if I wanted to prove that Taylor Swift existed, I wouldn’t use numbers.

First I would show a photo. All we get from theists is images on toast.

I would also show a video. Do they even have any videos, however fuzzy?

How about a concert? Church services are like concerts where the advertised attraction doesn’t show up!!


That’s because Taylor Swift’s existence reflects objective reality, exactly as the word existence is defined. Theists and religious apologists use the word arbitrarily, and often speciously.

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I could reply to every argument they write but I really have better things to do for the rest of the night (such as sleeping and maniacally walk in the house at 3AM).
I will limit myself to say that the main problem with their thesis is that they give the bible for granted when the text doesn’t have a single source or evidence and contains absurd claims such as speaking snakes, magic apples, fantastic creatures and many more.
The second problem is that the entire thesis is fruit of shoe-horning, nearly all the arguments presented are fruit of cherry picking and arbitrary assignment of meanings to numbers and concepts.


He seems to be skipping past objections when it suits, what does that suggest.

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Trumpeting a mathematical proof, while being unable to count the letters in the English alphabet?