This is bs as well, if I chose to take a biased view that your posts are always unevidenced bs, this would consistently produce the same result / response. So one more thing you got wrong, though it has little relevance to your as yet unevidenced claims that a mathematical proof exists that evidences a deity, and yes that’s the correct way to say it, your title is simply risible. Tacking The Truth, at the start even more so, you should really learn how to phrase claims in a manner that can be taken seriously.
It all seems moot though, as you appear to have sensed you’re way out of your depth here, and rather than try to learn, you appear to have done a runner.
The same Scientists who sat down in a round Table to eliminate Pluto could also do the same thing to Venus but on what Authority are they acting upon? Many planetary scientists advocate for a simpler definition, focusing on intrinsic properties like size, shape, and geological activity. By this standard, Pluto would easily qualify as a planet. Pluto exhibits active geology, seasonal changes, and surface renewal processes not seen on most asteroids or other small bodies. These features reflect internal heat and dynamic systems akin to those of terrestrial planets. Unlike asteroids, which are often fragments of larger bodies, Pluto is a primordial object that has retained its integrity since the solar system’s formation.
You make reference to The Proof. Which is 369 steps ahead of Sheldon who made no reference to The Proof but expects an intellectual war with its Author
That link you put in looks not only silly, but really forced. If that was “proof”, then everyone in the world would agree that your religion isn’t a religion at all and it would be treated as common knowledge in the world. Just like everyone can simply agree that there are other countries & governments.
In fact, even the Middle East and all of those other countries that practice religions contradictory of your own would be Christian if that “proof” was as compelling as you claim.
But alas, you and I can agree that you’re just trying to sell your religion. I’m not convinced. I am not sold. How about you try using something else more compelling?
Straw man fallacy, I have no such expectation, I even explained more than once I’ve not read, nor do I intend to read that link, and why. If the author is, as others have asserted, using mysticism like numerology, then an intellectual war would be as pointless as arguing with flat earthers, or astronomers.
So the questions represent your first hurdle, and you fall flat in front of it. This failure of course underlines the risible hyperbole in your thread title.
Are we ever going to see a mathematical proof presented, are we ever going to see any credible citations to demonstrate it was peer reviewed, are you able to offer any explanation as to why the entire theological, mathematical, and scientific world have failed to notice this “Proof of God” you trumpeted in your title?
There is nothing on any global news network, I even scoured the Catholic Herald and Al Jazeera, whatever can this mean? Even that crackpot religious apologist John Lennox has missed this news, and he’s a professor of mathematics at Oxford? Have you considered letting him now?
Come on, up your game, you were banned out of hand for spamming in the other forum you tried, surely your grandiose thread title deserves something more than petulant vapid repetition…one can almost here the shuffling of feet now…
Guys, i have just realised something! The Trinity is composed of three elements, three is an uneven number! And since uneven numbers are imperfect, then God is imperfect.
But how is this possible? It’s not! God cannot be imperfect, therefore the Trinity doesn’t exist.
See? i have just mathematically disproven the existence of the Trinity and, with it, the existence of God; all it took for me was just use some shoe-horning mixed with basic math, just like the original poster did.
Remember, my thesis is based on your same methodology and argumentation: the moment you attack my thesis, you attack your own; if my thesis is not valid, then yours is not valid for the same reason whatever it may be.
In fairness to the original poster . . . just because numerology is total bullshit (and it is) doesn’t mean that it isn’t interesting.
I’ve always thought that there is a relationship between numerology and the interesting coincidences that occasionally occur in everyday life.
This discussion is practical, because many professions make it a science to examine coincidences, with forensic science being an example . . . as you always hear cops say “I don’t believe in coincidences,” and people have actually been wrongfully convicted in court because of unlikely coincidences.
Some of the more interesting coincidences that I have encountered include the following:
The Rolling Stones is one of my favorite bands, and I do have the same birthday as Mick Jaggar.
I am a professional science fiction author, and I have the same birthday as Stanley Kubrick . . . who directed one of the greatest science fiction movies of all time: 2001: A Space Odyssey.
The actress Elizabeth Montgomery (who starred in the sitcom Bewitched) played the role of Lizzie Borden (a notorious murderer) in a television movie. After Montgomery’s death, a professional geneologist was researching the family trees of murderers in the hopes of finding a genetic relationship that may contribute to violence . . . and accidentally discovered that Elizabeth Montgomery is actually a blood relative of Lizzie Borden. It is also quite certain that Montgomery was unaware of her relationship with Borden.
One of the greatest scientists of all time is Gallileo. Stephen Hawking (another great scientist) was born exactly (to the day, and almost to the hour!) on the 300th anniversery of Gallileo’s death.
In England, a couple met and got married, and discovered–after being married–that they were half brother and sister who had been conceived by artificial insemination.
I could go on, but I’m sure that you see my point.
Part of the noise that clouds the issues in a discussion of coincidences is that numerical relationships are important, and can lead to a deeper understanding of the world. If $50 goes missing from the cash register every time a specific store employee is on duty, then we assume that this employee is stealing the money.
So, I think numerology is an attempt to understand numerical relationships when we only have partial knowledge of the circumstances.
I also think that there is a relationship between numerology and astrology for similar reasons.
It makes me cringe when I hear them say that. Like Sherlock Holmes famous and oft repeated line “When you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.” It is the very definition of an argumentum ad ignorantiam fallacy btw.
If there were only two people in existence the odds would be a paltry 1/365, but the human population is approaching 8 billion. Coincidences are often about perception, as understanding probability and statistics is often very counter intuitive.
Try this:
You’re on a quiz show, there are 3 doors, behind one is a prize, you pick door 1, then if you answer a question correctly they will remove one of the empty doors. You get the question right, and they remove door 3.
Now, do you have a better chance if you switch from door 1 to door 2, or if you stick with door 1, or are the odds the same between door 1 and door 2?
There is definitely a relationship, they are both unevidenced superstition. Causal links must be demonstrated, long odds alone are not enough. Though often people have misunderstood the odds. and the fact there might be multiple combinations of causal and random events at play. With superstitious and religious arguments this usually involves a false dichotomy, and often ignoring they have no data to demonstrate the choice they are peddling is even possible.
Another point is that numerologists have–on rare occasions–advanced our knowledge of mathematics.
Pythagoras discovered that the square root of 2 is an irrational number, and the square root of 2 is (so far as we know) the first irrational number that has been discovered.
This discovery did, however, have mystical overtones to the Pythagoreans, and they kept this discovery secret.
It’s the Monty Hall problem. The answer is quite counter intuitive – you should always switch door, as that will give you a 2/3 probability of winning the prize, against 1/3 if you stick with your original choice.
I disagree. Numerology is just a numerical circle jerk where one tries to attribute meanings to certain numbers and arithmetic operations, connecting them to the physical world in an arbitrary way. Numerologists know which answers they want, so they set up fanciful operations with random numbers of imagined importance with imaginary beings to get their desired result, after jerking around at length with mathematical operations. Then they claim that these forced series of calculations somehow prove that their imaginary beings aren’t. If anything, it’s imaginative, but interesting it is not.
And I disagree with your Pythagoras example. There, numerology was a motivator, but others would sooner or later have been able to prove the same thing without invoking occult or mystical relationships between numbers and the real world.
Reset the world a million times over and when it is all said and done, each civilization would settle with the base 10 numeral system because it is the most convenient. Hence, the assertion that Man was designed to use the base 10 numeral system which proves The Triune God to be The Creator as was illustrated in The Proof.
Some very obscure ones from WP: Positional numeral systems, and in general these are ethnic peoples, not [former] countries, except Mayans:
The Ndom language of Papua New Guinea, which employs senary counting, includes a basic word for 18 and another for 36.
The MayanLong Count calendar employs a “modified vigesimal” counting system that sets apart 360 as the number of days in a year, i.e. 18 months with 20 days.
Base 15/ Pentadecimal: The Huli language of Papua New Guinea is reported to have base-15 numerals. Ngui means 15, ngui ki means 15×2 = 30, and ngui nguimeans 15×15 = 225.