The ones that disappear

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Like you I have done tens of thousands of posts.

The worst thing these days is that written posts are overshadowed by laziness i.e. people prefer a no brainer look at Lawrence Krauss debating William Lane Craig on you tube.

And the problem of these people like Krauss is that they are almost all uncontactable so, even if you could assist them in their failures, you canā€™t get to them.

Mind you, I have had a couple of my arguments (from the early days of the Richard Dawkins site) presented on TV and in debates. Ricky Gervais uses one of mine frequently as it cannot be defeated. (I miss those times when people werenā€™t prima donnas and there was swearing and insulting.)

Maybe it is more of a game and few listen but some of it does spread. My main focus is challenging people like W. L. Craig, Dr. Lisle, Professor Lennox head on and challenging them. So far none of them have taken me on. Dr. Lisle who is an astrophysicist and claimed Creationist has produced a book on the ultimate proof of a god in which he ā€œproves the earth is youngā€. I so overwhelmingly crushed his arguments on his site, he deleted my posts - twice. Satisfying.

And I gain some satisfaction that my proof the god of Abraham is false has never gained a response, not even from the ā€œgreatestā€ theist debaters.

But, for me it gets back to one thing: I do this because theists are willing to lie openly and incessantly about scientific discovery calling the truth false whilst also lieing about their god claiming it true, neither of which they can actually prove and I believe that warrants a challenge.

Well, if no one else is paying attention to you, find random forums and toot your own horn. You are sure to attract a crowd. Do you really think pinning down any apologist is some sort of accomplishment? There isnā€™t a member on the site that could not hold their own against any of the apologists you mention. Youā€™re going to hurt yourself patting yourself on the back that way. On the other hand, given your unsubstantiated claims in previous posts, itā€™s are beginning to sound like you could not possibly hold your own against an intelligent theist.


Surely this as simple as asking how we can see the light from stars that are more light years away from us, than the age he is claiming the earth is.

Some theists certainly, most religious apologists end up trying to distort facts when they debate their beliefs here to be sure. Of course they donā€™t seem to see it that way, hence the thread title I imagine.

Any particular reason youā€™ve been keeping this to yourself man? Iā€™ll be back in a minute or so, talk amongst yourselvesā€¦

Are we talking metaphorically or physically, because I reckon I can take Lane Craig any day of the week, I may be small but Iā€™m really scrappy.

That might also be another different reason religious apologists donā€™t respond to his arguments of course. Not worry the ones we get here seem on the whole to be overly impressed by some pretty weak reasoning. Then again we have had one or two bat shit crazy atheists on here as well, remember that guy, what was his name Programmingjordan or some such, he claimed heā€™d disproved theism, had a dissertation and everything, said heā€™d invented something call ā€œnon-beliefismā€, it was pretty funny.

This is a disease (my name for it) that I have seen on other atheist sites. The atheists just sit about, bashing theists, in a state of perpetual group think. They make as many unfounded claims as the theists. They engage in as many fallacies. They make inane assertions and claims. They donā€™t bother to find out what the theists actually believe or what they are aging. These atheists have the idea that dismissing a claim is the same thing as disproving it. And they never pick up on the idea that the person making the claim has a burden of proof. So, they just sit about spouting nonsense. Hopefully Lucifer will figure it out before long. I wonder if he is a member of the Church of Satan with that tag?


Awww, how sweet, Cogā€¦ (sniffle-sniffle)ā€¦ Got me a little choked up with that one. You really think I could be a contender? :grin:

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Why not. The Kalam is a simple ā€˜God of the Gapsā€™ proposition. You remember ā€˜God of the Gapsā€™ donā€™t you? (Everything has a cause, so there must be an ultimate cause. We donā€™t know what that cause is, so it must be God.) Itā€™s like shooting Christians when they are hanging from crosses.


You already are :wink::grin:


If Krauss was familiar with your some of the ideas youā€™ve expressed here, Iā€™d bet my house heā€™d contemplate getting a restraining order.

I find that unlikely, in fact it strikes me as ludicrous hubris on your part.

He does seem more your level to be honest, given the ideas youā€™ve expressed here, you seem to have a comparable grasp of logic. He also enjoys hubris and hyperbole, so something else you have in common.

For him one imagines, I can see the temptation if Iā€™m honest.

Thereā€™s that misplaced hubris again. However you should find your posts here pretty satisfying, as I doubt many will be minded to offer any response.

Lying, not lieing (sic).

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Trying to offer responses to everything I say try to demonstrate you are smart just isnā€™t working for me.

Go back and read how pathetically stupid your remarks are. All you have demonstrated here is you are a sad and pathetic little individual who gets hurt and upset when they receive a smack down and like a 3 year old you run around in your dirty diapres seeking revenge pointlessly because its already proved you canā€™t acheive it beyond some fantasy you hold in your own tiny brain.

Whilst I enjoy watching you do it as it demonstrates how upset and inadequate you are and feel at achieving your goal, there comes a time when I must focus on the adults and let the children play on their own.

Oh and print this off so that when you grow up you can go back and see that in all this tearfull rambling and whining, you actually had absolutely nothing whatsoever to say. Bye, bye. (See you next time you want to make a fool of yourself.)

ā€¦(elbow on tableā€¦ chin resting in handā€¦ eyes droopyā€¦ snoreā€¦ snoreā€¦ snore-snortā€¦ head popping up in surprise)ā€¦ Huh? What?.. (looking around in confusion)ā€¦ Ohā€¦ Okayā€¦ (yawwwwwwn)ā€¦ Hey, uh, will somebody please let me know when Lucifer finally learns how to throw creative insults?.. (elbow back on tableā€¦ chin resting back in handā€¦ eyes getting droopy againā€¦ snoring resumes)ā€¦

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I can see that, I wonder if you grasp why?

This is a public debate forum, if the remarks are stupid then demonstrate why, after all others have taken the time do this with your own posts, though that is the very definition of shooting fish in a barrel.

Oh Iā€™d rather just quote this piece of vapid hubris, again in the vain hope that it might spark some self awareness on your part, anything sparking yet? If it helps posting this sort of ad hominem alongside an accusation that someone else is behaving like an infant would be a useful clue to where the irony lies.

Do you actually imagine there are many posters here keen to engage with you based on this kind of post? You endlessly reel of hyperbolic claims, and unevidenced bombast, donā€™t seem able to reason or comprehend beyond the mere facile, and offer naught but angry ranting hubris when anyone challenges your posts. Youā€™re right about only one thing, it is pretty funny, but only in a cringeworthy and ironic way, and again Iā€™d bet my house you donā€™t understand why.

Another fake flounce from a troll, I actually may try to remember this, as I really need to stop trying to make silk purses from material that simply isnā€™t suitable.

Youā€™re forgetting about the large audience that forums like these introduce to others who simply read in passing. Your teachings arenā€™t only read by the person you are replying to.