Strict materialism/naturalism is proven false

I’ll have you know… FOR A FACT… no self-respecting flea has stayed in my rolling motel for the past 20 years. Ha! So there you are… WRONG AGAIN!


FUCK! I was hoping nobody would mention military time, asshole. Still, to be honest, I’m okay with being right just once a day. :relaxed:

Uh, at what point did I say “self-respecting” fleas?

Damn freeloaders! You know what we do with freeloaders don’t you? You save half your body bald and dip the other half in gasoline. Then you set yourself on fire. When the stinking freeloaders run to the bald half you stab the little shits to death with an ice pick.

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Maybe I am what you suggest, but the horseshit has to come from somewhere…(mumbling about dirty job but somebody has to do it).

Editorial necessitation revealed

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Ahhh, fun with ice picks! I’ll be there with bells on…

Even if the OP’s statement is true, that does not move us one nanometer closer to proving a god.

Yes, there are things that are not material. But here are some things the OP left out.



Lack of critical thinking.


I couldn’t stand that Kyle is always watching when I went to the toilet and on top of that, sicked his minions on me when I went to visit my friends who believed in Chad. I had one friend who told me he actually saw Kyle everywhere, especially in his food! I wanted to report him for sexual harassment and assault because I thought that Kyle was a bastard for making my friend eat him.


…(grimacingrubbing back of neck)… Oh, uh, yeah. Ummm, about that. So, uh, look, we all know Kyle has his little quirks. But things like that should be expected. Hell, I’ve even tried talking to him to dissuade him from such activities. Gives him a bad image, ya know? Nevertheless, it does not mean he shouldn’t be praised and worshiped. Just cut him a little slack already. Being the Creator of Everything can be really stressful.

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Sue the moron is the first wife of Kyle. She was kicked to the curb when he found a younger woman. Sue gets even in the end.


I really tried to give that pervert Kyle a break. Then I found out that he was worse than I thought. Not only does he make people eat him, but he also gets people to mutilate baby boys genitals. Sometimes he even gets grown men to mutilate genitals, too. Since Kyle demands bbq quite frequently, I figured he was eating the bits of flesh after tossing them on the grill. Now I am not one to kink shame, got my own fetishes. However…

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…(head downindex finger and thumb pinching bridge of noseshaking head slowly)… Why me?.. (heavy sigh)… Okay, look… As much as I would love to be able to deny your claims, I actually agree with your objections. Believe me, I have often tried to divert Kyle away from those practices. He just refuses to budge. Something to do with, “I created everything, so I can do with it whatever the fuck I want,” excuse. So, yeah, he does have a bit of an ego-trip thing going. Even when I tell him how bad it makes him look, his typical response is basically, “I don’t give a shit. Anybody who doesn’t love and worship me can just go wallow in bunny poop for eternity.” :roll_eyes: So, you see what I’m dealing with here?

Anyway, other than those little quirks, Kyle really is a loveable fluffy ol’ softie once you get to know him. I’m just sayin’, give him a chance. Besides, I’d hate to see you get tossed into “The Pellet Pit” (as we call it) for eternity. It’s really not a fun place.

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Circular_reasoning.svg (1)

Proof that the immaterial word exists is that the material world is not the only thing that exists, priceless.

We need an objective scale of stupid comments so we can place them on it, when someone decides what the maximum is on the stupid end, we can put this one there, but leave one higher rank, as I like to keep an open mind.

Is your shift key broken? Yes or no answer only please…

It’s a risible circular reasoning fallacy, where you assume your conclusion in your initial premise, happy? Yes or no answer only please.

Yes they are.

I should love to see you try and evidence that preposterous claim.

Wrong again, unsurprisingly, " The traditional source of the law of non-contradiction is Aristotle 's Metaphysics where he gives three different versions. Aristotle attempts several proofs of this law."

Nope, you’re consistent I will give you that. Scientific laws are human creations, and they are descriptive, not proscriptive. It’s like you’ve scoured the religious apologist’s book of stupid claims, and hoovered the dumbest ones in there, to parrot them on here.

I’ll be perfectly candid, based on the evidence this far, it’s going to be near to impossible to deny your expertise here.

The law is descriptive, what it describes is not, dear oh dear…“A deep dark pool” is a description, it can also exist physically see? However the description only means something to the humans who invented the language to describe the physical phenomenon.

Please demonstrate some objective evidence to support this claim.

Yes now…so your earlier protestations now seem very very dishonest.


I assume that you mean that these laws of nature show us–by the very fact that they exist–that there must be a God (or gods) that created them . . . rather like the “watchmaker-on-the-heath” argument that was suggested by William Paley in the 19th Century.

Or perhaps you are referring to Albert Einstein’s suggestion that God is defined by the sum total of all the physical laws . . . perhaps like a “tensor” from calculus or something, where all of the physical laws are the different qualities that describe some multidimensional whole . . . which we call God.

So . . . if we have the idea that God created all of the physical laws, then what created God?

If we decide that God has always existed, then why not skip a step and say that the physical laws (or the Universe–if you prefer–as the physical laws only exist to describe the Universe) have always existed?

As for Einstein’s idea, it seems like it has a little in common with unified field theory. Einstein tried to come up with a unifield field theory, but he failed.

In any case, there are things about these physical laws that are not understood . . . but just because we don’t understand something doesn’t mean that we need to automatically invoke God.

Syphillis wasn’t understood hundreds of years ago, so it was believed to be God’s punishment for having a “bad moral character.”

Now, we give the syphillitic an injection of penicillin, and the disease goes away.

It is like this with your claim that the physical laws show us God.