Slavery In The Bible

And people wonder why I am a socialist…


I do not wonder why at all…

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Yet American businesses today act like company stores have been abolished for millennia. Neat how we try to cover up all the bad things that have happened in the recent past and pretend we are better than that today. Now it’s just artificially inflated prices on homes, cars, and every day essentials to make sure you come in to work and do OT! All in vain just to try to maintain your current lifestyle, never mind upward mobility you silly goose!

@Old_man_shouts_at_cl I’m loathed by all my blue collar coworkers for my socialist/communist attitude. I guess I didn’t drink enough of the kool-aid.

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I blame Harvard Business School…


To be clear, for slavery in the bible? Don’t get me wrong, I am keeping an open mind… :innocent:

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They would certainly advocate it if they could see a monetary gain from re introducing it…oh, wait…